Updated: The Fair Lady Endorses The Randian

Elections,libertarianism,Liberty,Neoconservatism,Outsourcing,Republicans,Ron Paul,Sarah Palin,Technology


Sarah Palin has donated the maximum allowable in support of Rand Paul’s bid for the Kentucky U.S. Senate seat. Neoconservatives are furious. David Horowitz’s new NewsReal blog offers an attempt at an analysis of the contradictions of a Palin endorsement of a Paul.

Since very few brain cells went into designing the site, I will be unable to quote from it. Not only is NewsReal incredibly busy in a bad, ADHD kind of way, but someone really “clever” has ensured one cannot “Ctrl c” so as to “Ctrl v” any excerpts therefrom. In other words, you can’t cut and paste for quotation purposes.

I’m certainly not going to bother typing this stuff out—no body is. Maybe the web designer thought that the originality of the contents warranted anti-copying software.

Rand Paul’s site, on the other hand, is original in all the right ways and reproducible. Sarah for Rand is here. And yes, “Rand is for real”:

Rand Paul is beating all U.S. Senate candidates in both parties and … has huge Tea Party and grass roots support driving his overwhelming success against establishment politicians and their budget-busting ways.

If Sarah helps send Tea Party Paulites to DC, and snubs establishment Republican oinkers—she will have done America more good than most.

Update: On the petty issue of being able to “cut n’ paste” from the NewsReal blog: Could it be that the webmaster fixed the flaw following my post? I suspect so.

The facility is working now, but another reader informed me just a couple of hours back that “cut & paste” was possible, albeit by right clicking only on the text. I’m glad the facility is working now, pursuant to my complaint.

As to the busy, boggling nature of the site: I fully admit that the youth is more inclined than me to white noise. I like clean, clear, and unfussy. However, as Hollywood has made clear for decades, the older generation has nothing on the youth when it comes to technology, style, smarts, etc.

Enable sarcasm. I live with someone who makes the innards of the toys and telephones our deeply stupid, attention-deficient mites depend on to sustain brain waves. He himself doesn’t use all that crap technology (other than a PC and a cell, when needed). Telling, ha? Most thinking people like clear, clean, and unfussy.

The white-noise producing toys, by the way, are usually made by older people (with advanced engineering degrees)—often Asians, many of whom are older—beavering away under one or two really smart Americans (also older), all in an effort to keep the brainwaves of the younger generation (mostly Americans) from flatlining.

8 thoughts on “Updated: The Fair Lady Endorses The Randian

  1. David Swindle

    “someone really “clever” has ensured one cannot “Ctrl c” so as to “Ctrl v” any excerpts therefrom. In other words, you can’t cut and paste for quotation purposes.”

    That’s not true. People copy and paste our posts every day. We don’t have anything in place to prevent copying and pasting articles.

    Sorry you don’t like our design. We judge the effectiveness of our design by the amount the design increases our traffic. And with each change in design that we’ve implemented our traffic has increased. So it appears we’re doing something right.

  2. George Pal

    “Deviating from principled intellectualism…”

    No matter how many times you toss that ball against the wall it always bounces back looking part and parcel of the Obama apotheosis (or, investiture); what with “deviation” being the long time favorite hobbyhorse with which the Left road herd on mavericks… and rogues, come to think of it.

  3. Robert Glisson

    The major point of the article is the difference in philosophy between libertarian and neoconservative beliefs. To the writer, Mrs. Palin is betraying the Neoconservative’s by endorsing a Libertarian. Neoconservatives agree with Liberals more than Libertarians in everything but rhetoric. I doubt if the writer said anything critical about Sarah Palin when she endorsed Obama opening the war against Afghanistan and Pakistan. I doubt if she had anything good to say when Mrs. Palin endorsed the Conservative candidate instead of the Republican a couple of months ago. No I’m wrong, he was for war too. Nope, it’s that anti-war thing. In regard to the comment implying that they were doing something right with the new modern site, I agree, Flash always draws fireflies.

  4. David Swindle

    “On the petty issue of being able to “cut n’ paste” from the NewsReal blog: Could it be that the webmaster fixed the flaw following my post? I suspect so.”

    *Sigh* Of course you suspect so.

    I didn’t change anything because our blog was never set up so people couldn’t copy text. At NRB we want people responding to our posts on their blogs. Why would we set it up to make it difficult to do so?

    You know what “Clean, clear, and unfussy” equals in web design? Low traffic. If you have a design with little on it then people won’t click on items and generate more traffic. A blog is not a magazine and different standards of design apply if it’s a site’s objective to increase its traffic.

  5. Gringo Malo

    Pardon me, ma’am, but my old high school English teacher would say that you’ve momentarily confused sarcasm with invective. 🙂

  6. Myron Pauli

    It would be great to have Rand Paul in the Senate. I will probably donate to him when we shovel out and I catch up with about 2 weeks of backlog. As for Sarah, it is hard to explain her actions but perhaps she saw Paul as the winner and wanted to keep some rogue bonafides. She can yap about “support the troops” and Bomb Iran while keeping a foot into the libertarian tent at the same time.

  7. ~greenhell~

    I had no problems with copy paste, even on a cache copy version of the site from 2/9/10. [I manage my own site, which is way more than a simple, word-press blog; it is an enormous data base. So I get around code. Not brilliantly, but I do okay. I tried selecting and copying the text again and again; it was definitely not allowing it… yesterday. Glad it’s fixed.]

    But then again “clean, clear, and unfussy” doesn’t equal low traffic either, David. While the current design might have increased traffic, the only conclusion we can draw was that the site was even uglier before. MSN and Yahoo have both redesigned their sites to be less fussy. And Google is the ultimate no-fuss site.

    Anyway, if I’m reading Robert’s comments correctly for once, he’s spot on. It’s amazing how the anti-unnecessary-war stance is such an anathema to Republicans. And it’s weird how the same short-sighted tough-guy stance I loathed as a child is still found in so many adults. I swear I read a quote around here about what types of countries go to war…

  8. Robert Glisson

    Greenhell: It came from Ilana’s article “Betraying Brave Boys 3-26-03.
    “Make no mistake, our soldiers are brave. But is our nation brave? What I learned growing up in a war-torn region is that a brave nation fights because it must; a cowardly one fights because it can.”

    In regard to the copy paste ginch, software sometimes gets cranky. I brushed the tab/caps lock keys a couple of nights ago. 185 pg, 95,000 words disappeared and I had a blank page one of one staring at me. Fortunately, I closed the file and when it said ‘do you want to save changes’ I clicked no. Reopened the file to find 95K minus a paragraph. Probably Ilana’s or David Swindle’s software was being fussy.


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