Perry’s Political Pedigree

Democrats,Elections,Republicans,Ron Paul


Ron Paul was one of only 4 congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan’s campaign for president. After Reagan, Al Gore found an enthusiastic cheerleader in Texas, who looked nothing like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. According to the latest Campaign For Liberty ad, Rick Perry helped lead the Al Gore campaign to undo the Reagan Revolution. The Paul Campaign’s pitch about an untrustworthy Perry is persuasive. Rudderless is also a good description for the core of Perry.

5 thoughts on “Perry’s Political Pedigree

  1. My RON-PAUL i

    And we probably both “stood with Reagan” when he represented the taxpayers against the blackmail of the Air Traffic Controllers Union.

    But in all fairness, I don’t think Ron “stood with Reagan” on the War on Drugs, the 21 year old drinking age (Nancy nudged Reagan to support in spite of his 10th Amendment reservations).

    We don’t really know if Reagan would have supported indefinite wars (he himself got out of Lebanon when it was clearly a mess) 21st Century style – the Soviet empire was quite a different story than petty despots like Saddam Hussein.

    As for Perry – he sounds like another opportunistic Dubya – e.g. a quintessential big government Republican.

  2. Greg

    I love this ad. It’s about time someone told the truth about Perry. I have lived in Texas for the last 30 years and I wouldn’t vote for Perry for dog catcher, much less President. Perry is a former Democrat, like many Texans who are now Republicans. Dr. Paul knows the truth about Perry and he is getting the truth out. I just hope the rest of the country pays attention. Fight on Congressman!

  3. james huggins

    Is Rick Perry my choice? Not yet. I still like Michele Bachmann but just like Ron Paul she doesn’t have a prayer of geting elected. I’ll take Perry over Mitt Romney any day. Of course, I would take Greg’s dog catcher over Obama. The first order of business is to win the election.

  4. Dan Jeffreys

    I believe this campaign cycle could prove to be rather entertaining. The media has continuously tried to cram Romney as the front runner down our throats. I have no idea how they’re conducting their polls but I have yet to find anyone, in person or online that supports this guy. Now they’ve created the new “anti establishment” Rick Perry (who bears no resemblance to the guy who has been our Governor for years). It’s going to be quite amusing if none of these guys wind up pulling anywhere near the numbers they’re polling.

  5. CompassionateFascist

    I judge a man by his enemies. Now, not 22 years ago; Reagan himself was HardLeft during the late 1930s-early 1940s. Hating on Perry: Left, libs, MSM, the entire Hollywood/Beltway crowd. Apparently they scent populist brimstone. We’ll see.

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