Tea Party Congress has Failed to Tackle TSA Terrorism

Homeland Security,Justice,Regulation,Terrorism


Lenore Zimmerman is defiant and articulate. Would that individuals like her replaced the Occupy Wall Street Idiocracy. The “85-year-old Long Island grandmother” is the latest victim of the homegrown terrorists of the TSA. She might be tiny and fragile, but unlike so many other TSA “victims,” Lenore is not weepy or weak:

Lenore … says she was on her way to a 1 p.m. flight to Fort Lauderdale when security whisked her to a private room and took off her clothes.
“I walk with a walker — I really look like a terrorist,” she said sarcastically. “I’m tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I was strip-searched.”
TSA spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said a review of closed circuit TV footage from the airport shows “proper procedures were followed.”
But Zimmerman, whose hunched back puts her at 4-foot-11, said her ordeal began after her son, Bruce, drove her to the JetBlue terminal for the Florida flight. She lives in warm Coconut Creek during the winter.
She checked her bags, waited for a wheelchair and parted ways with her doting son — her only immediate relative.
When Zimmerman reached a security checkpoint, she asked if she could forgo the advanced image technology screening equipment, fearing it might interfere with her defibrillator.
She said she normally gets patted down. But this time, she says that two female agents escorted her to a private room and began to remove her clothes.
“I was outraged,” said Zimmerman, a retired receptionist.
As she tried to lift a lightweight walker off her lap, she says, the metal bars banged against her leg and blood trickled from a gash.
“My sock was soaked with blood,” she said. “I was bleeding like a pig.”
She says the TSA agents showed no sympathy, instead pulling down her pants and asking her to raise her arms.

These TSA legalized assaults happen daily in police state USA. The triumphant Republican majority in Congress claims to have a new-found affinity for freedom. If this were so, their first order of business would have been to stop the molestation en masse at the country’s airports. So far nothing has been done about the ongoing violations of the individual’s constitutional right to be free of unreasonable searches without probable cause.

Face it, the Republican Party’s fidelity is to the security state, not to liberty.

6 thoughts on “Tea Party Congress has Failed to Tackle TSA Terrorism

  1. greenhell

    “… she says that two female agents escorted her to a private room and began to remove her clothes.”

    Humans are a truly malleable animal, being able to do this to a grandmother then presumably return home and provide love to their own family members.

  2. Robert Glisson

    It seems to me that too many of us are expecting too much of the Taxed Enough Already party. We expect them to clean up the whole mess; however, the TEA party was formed to cut back on spending. Admittedly, they haven’t cut spending enough so far but, they have managed to get a few spendthrifts in. Stopping TSA and the inexhaustible amount of other needless agencies is up to the rest of us.

  3. Daniel

    The own bright light in Washington is Sen. Rand Paul, who stood against the Republicans and fought to defend our civil liberties. He also stood against “Tea Party” Republican Marco Rubio and his foolish drive to bring Georgia into NATO. If only we had a few more like Rand Paul in the senate.

  4. My RON-PAUL i

    After securing cockpit doors and arming pilots to prevent taking over planes and using them as kamikaze missiles, security should be left to the airlines themselves.

    There should not even be a TSA. The designated groping – looking for a terrorist out of billions (let us remember that the TSA has NEVER caught a terrorist in action – in billions of fliers!!)… has to be a boring dumb job.

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