A Diet Of D’Souza’s Rah-Rah



How much do Republicans love freedom? Not very much. Or at least as much as Democrats, which is not at all. Via The Hollywood Reporter:

A Florida state senator plans to introduce a bill that would make Dinesh D’Souza’s docudrama, America, required viewing for most teenagers in the state, The Hollywood Reporter learned on Friday.
Republican Alan Hays said he’ll introduce in November his one-page bill that simply states that students in the 1,700 Florida public high schools and middle schools are to be shown the film unless their parents object.

In a free market in education, politicians and their preferred propaganda would have no sway on curricula. In case my statement is ambiguous, yes, this means no educational vouchers and charter schools. These are a species of the publicly funded system.

The centralization of education has allowed public “intellectuals” and “experts” to mold and manacle young minds. Start a conversation with almost anyone on the street. Provided he speaks English, you’ll hear within a whisker the same opinions repeated on capitalism (plain evil or a necessary evil), the environment (near destruction) and racism (rife). This uniformity of opinion is almost scarier than its uninformed nature. (From “NEEDED: A LEAVE THE CHILDREN BEHIND ACT!”)

As to substance of “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” read “D’Souza’s America” by Jack Kerwick. Added comments later.