Blame Western Leaders For Brussels, Caging Freedom Fighters, Letting Islam Roam Free



While magnificent men like the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders live in bunkers, travel in armor-plated cars, have no family life, as they sacrifice their freedoms to defend against encroaching Islam—Islam roams freely in the West.

Islam’s preeminent emissaries, the West’s elected leaders—in the US, the UK, Western Europe—place Geert Wilders and his truths in the dock, again and again. Blame Western leaders for Brussels, caging freedom-fighters, letting Islam roam free. Time to un-elect the bastards.

“Dutch Party For Freedom (PVV) leader and prominent counter-Islamist campaigner Wilders spoke exclusively to Breitbart London in the aftermath of this morning’s major terror attack and has lamented it is just the beginning of growing Islamist violence”:

On this, Mr. Wilders remarked: “Returned Syria fighters are a huge threat. They are dangerous predators roaming our streets. It is absolutely unbelievable that our governments allow them to return. And it is incredible that, once returned, they are not imprisoned.

“In the Netherlands, we have dozens of these returned jihadists. Our government allows most of them to freely walk our streets and refuses to lock them up. I demand that they be detained at once. Every government in the West, which refuses to do so, is a moral accessory if one of these monsters commits an atrocity.

“The government must also close our national borders. The European Union’s Schengen zone, where no border controls are allowed, is a catastrophe. The Belgian Moroccan Salah Abdeslam, the mastermind of last November’s bloodbath in Paris, travelled freely from Belgium to the Netherlands on multiple occasions last year.

“This is intolerable. Open borders are a huge safety risk. Our citizens are in mortal danger if we do not restore control over our own national borders”.

Speaking earlier today Mr. Wilders lamented that commuters were killed in “cold blood” and said “The cause of all this bloodshed is Islam. We need to de-Islamize the West. That is the only way to safeguard our lives and protect our freedom”. …


Related: “Brussels and the Police State of Denial” By Diana West.