If Cops Won’t Defend themselves, How Likely Are They To Defend YOU?

Crime,Justice,Law,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim


CNN had reported that NYPD’s chief of department had scolded its policemen for passively taking abuse from hooligans. But Chief Monahan’s reprimand has been removed. Why!? It’s deserved!!!

The report was made by CNN’s Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, who both approved of police passivity in the face of the assault.

Incidentally, someone at CNN seems to think the two’s sanctimonious banter time is something to encourage. If nothing else, the CNN exchanges between Cuomo and Lemon must give brainiacs, say at BBCNews, something to giggle about. These two are perhaps the dumbest act on TV.

To get a feel for how deeply stupid these two are, in this clip Don asks Chris in a grave tone, portending doom: “Is this getting to you?” Deep, man.

Neither man realizes that their elevated status is NOT due to their brain power.

In any case, both dummies rejoiced today that, in response to an assault on them, New York City’s finest did nothing; the cops just stood there happy to be bitch slapped.

If cops won’t defend themselves, how likely are they to defend YOU?

This is more like it:

A police supervisor who saw the videos lauded the Harlem officers for ignoring the jeers, but said the other cops should have been disciplined “for taking the abuse and doing nothing about it.”

An NYPD detective added that the department has become too soft in its effort to win back the trust and respect of various neighborhoods.

“These cops should have done something but they walked off like nothing happened,” the supervisor said. “I’m seeing red right now.”