It’s Do Or Die: How Important Is NOT Raising The Debt Ceiling?



One of the most important stands the near-irrelevant Republicans can take is to NOT raise the debt ceiling. As was pointed out in “Debt-Ceiling Hike Denier And Proud,” on EPJ (the preeminent libertarian site on the World Wide Web), if the Republicans stand firm just this once and “refuse to raise the debt ceiling,” they would force the government to balance its budget. Also explained in the column: The government’s receipts are more than sufficient to cover its debt payments by a factor of approximately ten.

More via Professor Jeffrey Dorfman, at Forbes:

Reaching the debt ceiling does not mean that the government will default on the outstanding government debt. In fact, the U.S. Constitution forbids defaulting on the debt (14th Amendment, Section 4), so the government is not allowed to default even if it wanted to.

In reality, if the debt ceiling is not raised in the next two weeks, the government will actually have to prioritize its expenses and keep its monthly, weekly, and daily spending under the revenue the government collects. In simple terms, the government would have to spend an amount less than or equal to what it earns. Just like ordinary Americans have to do in their everyday lives. …

… An increase in the debt ceiling allows the government to continue to run a budget deficit, which by simple accounting means that the national debt will increase. Not raising the debt ceiling does not mean defaulting on the current debt, but rather that no new debt can be incurred.

As a libertarian, it hurts me to “plot” all the state’s immoral and wastrel appropriations. As an economics professor, Dorfman has done the necessary work. He has worked out a balanced budget for the plundering class.

Read it.

It really is do or die.