MI5 Is MIA: British Security Missing In Action. Reliably So.

Britain,Government,Homeland Security,Intelligence,Islam


A degenerate culture, filming and fawning over the most dangerous individuals in society, who are free to roam around and plot murder: UK’s Channel 4 produced a TV documentary, The Jihadis Next Door, starring one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Butt. Butt was not on the lam, or being apprehended by UK Insecurity Forces, or hunkering in a bunker in Iraq. He was parading around in Barking, east London, broadcasting his intentions. Pretty much.

Even the Imam at the mosque expelled Butt for his murderous lust, but not his British protectors.

Scotland Yard? MI5? All missing in action. Always. Isn’t abnegation by the State Security apparatus the norm, rather than the exception? A norm the sheeple agree to live with?

British authorities hound, even jail, English men and women found in contempt of Islam. But never the reverse. Arrests of individuals for non-violent speech infractions, such as reciting a verse from a book by Churchill book, are not unheard of.

But that was yesterday or the day before. What’s Islam been up to today? French gendarme hammered, literally, with hammer. Authorities are in the dark. They always are:

And as I was writing the above, Murder by Muslim in Australia.