Only Dutchman Geert Wilders Edifies

Europe,Free Speech,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Jihad


It is to be expected. The only edifying words to come from a politician, worldwide, in response to the craven, yet characteristic massacre, today, of staff at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, come from Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders:

The West is at war and should de-Islamize.

“… Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam Party of Freedom PVV … responded quickly via Twitter. ‘Just requested a debate with Prime Minister Rutte after the terrible attack in Paris,’ he tweeted.”

While Wilders’ full statement, via Vlad Tepes, is not endorsed here in full—it does contain more than a kernel of truth regarding the solution to “Islam’s bloody borders,” in the worlds of Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington.

Said Geert Wilders: “We have to close our borders, reinstate border controls, get rid of political correctness, introduce administrative detention, and stop immigration from Islamic countries. We must defend ourselves. Enough is enough.”

If experience tells us anything, there are certainly better candidates for immigration to the West—minority South Africans, perhaps?—than practitioners of the religion of peace.