‘The Economics of Ann Romney’



“Ann Romney is economically a hell of a lot smarter than Hilary Rosen,” concludes Kevin D. Williamson, in a neat column wherein, taking into account “scarcity of economic resources and scarcity of parental time,” and weighing these against the utmost top dollar the lovely Mrs. Romney might have commanded, Kevin calculates that Ann Romney would have been stark raving mad to have abandoned her gorgeous kids to the deprivations of daycare.

Not when the much-maligned Mr. Romney was bringing in “about $6,400 an hour at Bain Capital.”

Nice, if reductive, column, for after all, it is indeed likely that the Romneys would have made the same decisions were Mitt less successful. Values are irreducible.

“Democratic operative Hilary Rosen — who sneered that [Ann Romney] ‘has actually never worked a day in her life'”—wishes she were a quality babe who could attract a catch like Mitt Romney.

(Tinny ideologues should note that I do not support Romney, but this does not rob me of objectivity, as it does the robotic ideologue. I appreciate many of Mitt Romney’s qualities.)

3 thoughts on “‘The Economics of Ann Romney’

  1. james huggins

    Romney wasn’t my guy either, but he is now, warts and all. When Winston Churchill, a known anti-communist, was criticized for publicly supporting the Russians during WWII he said: “If the devil was fighting the Germans I would speak well of him in the House of eCommons”. Now I dont equate Romney to the devil but he’s not really my kind of guy. However it’s time to step up to the plate. Romney is the guy. I just hope he has the cajones to take Obama on head first and not mealy mouth around like the usual Washington Republican.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Your spouse is bringing home $10 – $ 20 million per year – even without changing diapers, you have homes to manage and a million dollars of charitable contributions to distribute and probably corporate clients to schmooze with and entertain. WHAT JOB are you going to have to compete with that???

    Teaching 3rd grade in a ghetto school?

    Plea bargaining for drunks with DUI?

    Waitressing at the Olive Garden??

    Librarian? Auditor? TSA employee? USDA Meat inspector? Selling cosmetics at Nordstrom’s? Driving a school bus?

    Looks like Ann missed out on some MEANINGFUL CAREERS!!

  3. Rebel Without a Clause

    I doubt that apparat-chick Hilary Rosen is at all interested in “attracting a catch like Mitt Romney”. More likely Ann Romney herself…since Rosen is a lesbian.

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