The Moronic ‘If We Ban Muslim Immigration, The Terrorists Win’ Meme



“If we ban Muslim immigration, the terrorists will have won” assert politicians from Barack Obama to Rand Paul. None is your friend.

“The terrorists win if Americans don’t do as the politicians say” is reverse psychology and cliché rolled into one. The prez keeps saying, “Dare do x, y or z on matters Muslim, and you guarantee that ISIS wins.” Or, “ISIS wants you to do x, y, and z.”

First, how do these asses know what ISIS wants? Or, are Barack Obama and Sen. Paul simply ass-uming they know? It is more likely the two politicians are using reverse psychology to get Americans to comply with their own wishes.

In any event, if ISIS wants you, America, to do what in your estimation is best for you–perhaps ISIS is right and the president is wrong. Perhaps ISIS is right and Rand Paul is wrong.

So, Sen. Paul; President Obama, we’ll take that long moratorium on Muslim immigration. It’s a winner for Americans. If ISIS approves, too, so be it. ISIS is happy; we are happy; everybody is happy; we all win.

READ THE REST. “GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges; Neoconservatives Neutralized” IS ON THE UNZ REVIEW.