Immigration is the reason the Islamization of our societies is underway and is a serious issue. I wrote about it in “MUSLIM IMMIGRATION TIME BOMB IGNORED BY AMERICAN JEWS,” among other essays in the Immigration Archive. Larry Auster comments on Islamization and immigration, two sides of the same coin:
“Immigration is of course the sine qua non of the Islam threat in the West, the central fact that Mark Steyn, the ‘brilliant’ hero of vast legions of brainless ‘conservatives,’ has remained absolutely silent about in his own writings on the growing power of Islam in Europe. It would be as though Steyn had written a best-selling book and dozens of articles about obesity, without once mentioning food–and as though the entire conservative world had ecstatically praised the book without once mentioning the fact that Steyn had not once mentioned food. And we thought Orwellianism was a phenomenon of the left.”
The complete post is here. My “Meta (Perspective) on Mark (Steyn)” may be of interest too.
The problem of mass third world immigration and Islam is becoming a much more dangerous reality as time goes by. The recent incident involving the departure of almost two dozen young Somali men from Minnesota to the jihad killing fields in Somalia is a case in point. These were all men from immigrant families that had been raised in the US, yet still saw it as their Islamic obligation to go and fight infidels abroad (and potentially at “home”?). Meanwhile, several of the young men arrested last week in North Carolina appear to be immigrants or the children of immigrants (though Daniel Boyd, the alleged ringleader, is a white convert). Indeed many of the jihad plots uncovered in the past few years in the US involved immigrants or the children of immigrants, though an increasing number of white and black converts are turning to jihad.
This is a problem that none of our political or media elites seem to take very seriously, to the contrary, they seem intent on pushing policies that in fact place Americans in harms way. The politicians of both parties were eager to embrace 9/11 as a political tool, but neither learned any real lessons from the event or have but the policies in place that would prevent a repeat of that horrid incident.
If Muslims, or Mexicans, or Haitians etc. were Europeans they would never be accepted. I would be most interested to see the politicians and media types line up to welcome mass Afrikaner immigration from South Africa.
Three years ago, my wife and I returned to a small community in New Mexico. We met up with an openly Hispanic Christian while buying some materials for my mom’s house. He volunteered that he got along, with every religion in the area, but when he mentioned his Jewish friends around his Islamic friends, anger erupted for no reason. A friend from the Philippines told me in his village, the Christians and non-religious get along just fine; however, the Muslims there were consistent in trying to disrupt the peace. In March of this year, I was in Albuquerque; read the ‘Journal,’ a liberal paper. They had an (AP) article about how the Iraq Muslim women were adapting so well to US society. About the last paragraph, they had forgotten to delete the line that mentioned it was Iraq Christian women that were buying the American Dream. It’s not easy for a Christian in Iraq to get a visa. I agree with Ilana on her desire to limit immigration stance, but since the border is more or less open, I’d support a Christian church movement to assist Iraq Christians in immigration here as well as agree with Mr. Huggins about opening the gates for Afrikaners.
[We are agreed about the martyrs of Iraq and Africa.]