Destroying Health Care For The Few Uninsured

Affirmative Action,Constitution,Debt,Economy,Healthcare


The excerpt is from my new WND.COM column, “Destroying Health Care For The Few Uninsured,” now on Taki’s Magazine:

“If the US wasn’t already insolvent, I’d say that Obama was bankrupting the country, and sending the health care we have to hell in a handcart, for the ostensible benefit of less than ten percent of the population. But the US is already in the red, courtesy of the current president and his predecessor.

The reported numbers—between 46 and 50 million—are inflated. If CBS news says so, you can believe it …

Large-scale destruction in the purported service of the few—does that sound familiar? Last year, a bumbling Bush bailed out and nationalized large sections of the financial sector because of a few million bad mortgages. For the benefit of these bad debtors, BO has beefed-up Bush’s initial offering with a $75 billion foreclosure relief plan. Although sources cited by Foxbusiness estimate “that up to 6 million homes could be lost to foreclosure in the current economic crisis,” so far approximately four million loans have gone under, out of a total of 44.4 million mortgages countrywide. …”

Read the complete column, now up on Taki’s (“Universal Health Care Is Theft”) You can catch the weekly fare every Saturday on Taki’s Magazine too, where the reading is really good.

11 thoughts on “Destroying Health Care For The Few Uninsured

  1. dagunster

    With respect to healthcare, I think there is a more sinister reason the socialists are so for this.

    Remember when the auto dealers were reduced. They were reduced based on political affiliation. Republican and independent dealers went out of business – Dems got to keep their dealerships.

    Well … when this bill is passed – healthcare will be based on political affiliation – not need – not ability to pay.

    This is the most dangerous thing I have seen in all my 50+ years walking planet earth.

  2. james huggins

    The whole brouhaha about government run health care has hidden the basic fact that should lead us in our decision making on the subject. The government has NEVER told the truth about any social program they wanted to initiate. The government has NEVER been accurate about the potential cost of said programs. The government has NEVER been able to actually manage any program they have sought to foist on the public.

    NEVER trust or believe the government when social programs are the subject. Remember the Trojan Horse.

  3. Barbara Grant

    Having had single-payer health insurance in a border state for many years; and seeing my premiums go up to where they became unaffordable; and receiving the form letter before each premium rise placing its cause on “increased use” of the services (though I rarely used mine)–all this combined with seeing the helicopter landings on the hospitals with trauma surgery units at the same time hearing about yet _another_ van that had overturned packed with illegals north of the border and knocking off a couple of Americans in the process—it makes me think that one of the primary reasons for government sponsored health care is to “bury” the issue (part of it, anyway) of the costs of illegal immigration to our citizenry. When you are paying for your own health care with your own hard-earned cash, things become clear; when the government is paying for all, lines of responsibility become murky.

  4. Steve Hogan


    On the contrary! Think of how well run the Post Office is! Or Amtrak. And the Pentagon is a veritable paragon of fiscal responsibility.

    Then we have the well-oiled machine known as FEMA, not to mention their brethren, the TSA (what a collection that is!) I’d be remiss to forget the wonderful efficiencies and caring of a typical VA hospital (I’m sure the Walter Reed scandal was an aberration).

    According to our betters in D.C., we’re too stupid and helpless to make our own health care decisions. It is best that we hand our lives and liberties over to the Obamas and Pelosis of the world. Pay up and shut up. They’ll care for us. Don’t you worry.

  5. Roy Bleckert

    ilana Mercer writes
    “It so happens that attainder laws are unconstitutional (Article 1, Sections 9 and 10). Our high-minded messiah has no authority or right to punish this (innocent) group of people without the benefit of due process.”

    This is probably the most important part of this article: when do we as a people start asking our politicians these question? Are these laws they are proposing constitutional and does the constitution give them the authority to run this program.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Simple math example – One can buy 1 lb. of chicken bologna for $1 in the DC area – if there are 30 million “starving” people in America, they can all be nourished for $ 11 Billion / year or 0.1 % of GDP. Similar math can be done for clothing, shelter, etc. – and a lot of the “poor” could easily be handled by private charity for much less than the 35% of GDP. Note also that Messiah Obama wants to LIMIT Charitable deductions – the more dependence of the “non-rich” on the state, the better.

    Socialism is an addictive drug like crack and our Big Man is the number one dealer, having taken over Bush’s turf. It works on the (un)principle of making everyone, in part, an addict and/or dealer in the system of dependency. “Health care” is just part of the overall pattern. Power is what counts, not results.

  7. Heidenhope

    There are some of us uninsured who are good, honest, hard-working people who for whatever reason cannot or do not have health insurance. We’re not all lazy people looking for a hand-out. However, if the system will not work with me– I cannot find a doctor who will take me as a patient because I don’t have insurance; I will work the system any way I can… which means everyone else will be paying for my healthcare, even though I am willing and able to pay for it myself… There just are no doctors who will take my cash.

  8. Myron Pauli

    Tragic Story: In Virginia, the “heartless” insurance companies force those wishing gastric surgery for weight loss often wait 4 – 12 months of multiple medical screening specialists (I had 2 cardiology visits and lost 158 lbs in the year before my surgery), nutritionists, etc. Apparently, in New York, the surgery is more of a “right” for anyone 100 pounds over some “normal” mark. So the 70-ish pound overweight 27-year-old daughter of my friends with an irregular heartbeat gorged herself UP to 100 lbs to “qualify” one week later for lap-band surgery (and telling very few people). Afterwards, she did NOT do blood work, take vitamins, do a low-fat/low-carb/high-protein diet, exercise, or have physical exams. She had fatigue and chest pains and attributed this all to the lap-band while she wolfed down French fries, etc. She died of coronary arrest because of irregularities, electrolytic imbalance, etc. – two weeks after being admitted to the state bar.

    The MORAL of this sad story is that YOU are the primary person responsible for YOUR health care whether you live under a capitalist, fascist, socialistic, overmedicated or undermedicated “system”.

    [Awful. Lap band? What’s that?]

  9. H Engelbrecht


    You have previously mentioned the fact that government is not honest about the implications of Obamacare a number of times. Below is a link to a clip where he answers a question (it appears that the question had something to do with the viability of private health care competing with Obamacare). There are two issues that are not clear/blatant lies.
    1) His answer seems to imply that Obamacare will not be funded by tax payers’ money. He mentions something about charging a premium. Will the patient pay a premium, and will the premium be equivalent to the market related charges. It obviously will not be, that is the whole point of Obamacare. The alternative then is that there will be a shortfall – who funds the shortfall , the government. And unless government in the US owns enterprises making a profit that can be used to pay the shortfall, government will have to use tax dollars to fund the shortfall.
    2) He says there is no reason not to be able to compete with Obamacare. He fails to recognise the fact that government basicly has unlimmited resources compared to private health care companies.

  10. Myron Pauli

    Clarification: Lap-band surgery is where one squeezes the stomach into a very small area so that one feels full after a smaller amount of food:

    but it is not a magic panacea.

    Obamacare will be like “public” schools – the financial incentives to hop on board will be enormous and the “private” competition will be forced and/or nudged to get in line.

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