Security With Intelligence

Affirmative Action,Government,Homeland Security,Intelligence,Israel,Terrorism


Inadvertently—and in a characteristically witty way—Isaac Yeffet seems to second my diagnosis that, “Homegrown retardation is far more pressing a problem than homegrown terrorism in modern-day America.”

The multi-talented Yeffet is the former security director of Israel’s airliner, El Al, “pioneer in counter-terrorism,” and entrepreneur.

Yeffet attempted to explain the concept of utilizing intelligence, as in brain power, to Huckabee. (Please someone locate and post that YouTube), but Heehaw Huck kept insisting on blaming the system.

6 thoughts on “Security With Intelligence

  1. Haym

    We can trace a lot of our behavior as a society to the PC movement – that is – that we are not allowed to express facts and opinions that might offend someone, hurt feelings, or expose some deficiencies in some socioeconomic group. We would rather suffer and spend ridiculous amounts of money to defend ourselves rather than do the intelligent thing.

    I have always contended that at some point in time – and we may have reached that point given the intelligence level of this administration – we as a society will reach a turning point when the majority are ignorant. We are almost there with the majority not paying any taxes – and therefore supporting tax increases on those who do pay.

    That turning point on ignorance is hovering around us. It may not be possible to come out of that black hole – except as a result of some devastating event, man-made or otherwise, that requires us to value intelligence and knowledge.

  2. james huggins

    A billion Muslims world wide would cheerfully kill every American regardless of location. Yet, our leadership, political, military and cultural won’t even say a cross word about the enemy. Make no mistake, that enemy is Islam.

  3. EN

    It’s always nice to see someone speak rationally on this subject.

    Haym, interesting that political correctness has led the State to attempt looking at everyone naked. Has anyone else noticed that high tech approaches to problems are often too manpower intensive and insure the dilution of the process? We can put enough surveillance drones into the sky over Afghanistan that it takes months to look at all the video. We gather about 8 train boxcars every day worth of intelligence data that can’t even be reviewed. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, when everyone is protected from everything no on is really protected from anything.

  4. Myron Pauli

    We cannot live our lives paralyzed with fear. Life has risk in it.

    As for Israel – I have more faith in intelligent people who take their business seriously than in ass-covering automoton bureaucrats who scream at 3 year old kids, confiscate yogurt, buy overpriced puffer machines, and treat people who need to urinate as terror suspects.

  5. Robert Glisson

    A humorous version is submitted by Fred on everything (Thanks Myron- he keeps me alive with his joke a day) There is a before article from last week as well, Panty Scanner that is sobering.

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