Update III: Why No One Robs A 7-11 In Israel:

Feminism,Gender,GUNS,Individual Rights,Israel,Military


The adorable, armed girls of Israel (via Walter Block). (I’d be careful not to shortchange the redhead.)

Clearly, mowing down Israeli soldiers on and off base is not as easy as it is stateside. When a Jihadi committed fratricide last year at Fort Hood, murdering 13 people and maiming 31, Lieutenant General Robert W. Cone, commander of III Corps at that based, boasted: “We don’t carry weapons here, this is our home.”

Invert that and you’ll arrive at my philosophy, and that of most patriots.

Be it on the border or on base, the American treason class proves over and over again that it hates its own.

As hateful as they are to some of Israel’s enemies, Israeli politicians (there is no such thing as a Jerusalem Elite) simply don’t hate their own as much as Washington hates its underlings.

Update I (Feb. 15): Unlike the US Army—and contrary to the utter ignoramuses who’ve called Israel a “bristling Sparta” without ever having visited there—Israelis society, its armed forces especially, is very informal. There is no jumping to attention every second; uniforms are worse than casual (positively disheveled, I’d say), etc. Women—again, unlike our crazy PC military—don’t go into combat. They serve in auxiliary roles, as they should. This does not mean they are unable to drop a Jihadi.

Update II (Feb. 16): Van Wijk makes an astute comment. These Israeli girls carry rifles as naturally as other women carry handbags or pooches, or adopted, exotic ankle biters. That’s precisely what’s so good about the image.

Update III: “Hottie with Krinkov Uses Live Ammo On Attacker.” This is an ad, yes? Which means it’s not real, right? So in a phony universe, where everything comes alive provided it’s on TV or YouTube, a scantily clad bimbo shooting off a machine gun—in real-life probably a lefty who opposes what she’s doings—this is better than ordinary kids buying candy, guns strung across their shoulders?

Phony, stylized illusion (model filmed shooting a nice toy) is preferred over natural, organic behavior (Israeli lasses)?

I give up. Or perhaps the reader was just joking.

The attempts to demote the Israeli youngsters, a representative sample of tens of thousands of such kids in that country, is pathetic.

As reader Alan Butler notes, “the 2nd lady on the right has a 30 round magazine in her belt. Only seconds away from lock and load!!!”

The girls’ outfits indicate to me that they are undergoing basic training, which mean these sweet things are all of 18! Babies.

Shame on their detractors. Most of you, in secret, wish you had such daughters.

11 thoughts on “Update III: Why No One Robs A 7-11 In Israel:

  1. Wanderer

    I get what you’re saying and I agree. I just can’t help raising an eyebrow at the red-heads choice in shoes. Surely sandals aren’t proper combat gear?

  2. Ingemar

    It doesn’t take long to notice that all their rifles are unloaded (unless they all have one round in the chamber?) so an enterprising (and suicidal) jihadi can still do some damage there.

    At least the girls can club him to death.

  3. james huggins

    Looks like some of my old girl friends. Of course all the women hunting for me don’t carry guns. Some just carry big sticks.

  4. Robert Glisson

    Ah, my kind of pin-up, do you have a center page that I can frame for the local range?

  5. Van Wijk

    Respect for firearms is a healthy attitude to have. Fear of firearms is not.

    I’m ashamed to say it, but by and large the American people fear guns and see all gun-owners as potential criminals. Current policy is merely a reflection of this fear.

  6. Hans Engelbrecht

    I was going to say those are my kind of women, but Robert got the jump on me.

  7. Robert Glisson

    Hans: It’s not to the swiftest, but to the agreement that “Laddie, here be beauty!” that counts.

  8. Gringo Malo

    I see no signs of magazines or ammo either, nor can I tell whether the setting is what we Americans would call a PX or an off-post snack bar. The photo’s OK, but I like this video better.

    During my service in the U.S. Army, weapons and ammunition were much more tightly controlled. I never saw anyone walking into a PX with a rifle. After basic training, rifles were issued only for annual qualification and for guard duty. On guard duty, our rifles were locked in a rack when we weren’t on post. On those guard posts where ammunition was issued, we’d get five or ten rounds at the guard post, counted out by an NCO. Rounds were counted at each shift change, again by an NCO. Usually, guard duty was two hours on, four hours off, but on one memorable occasion, about a dozen of us spent the whole night in a vain search for a single round somehow lost by the bozo who walked my post just before me, supervised by a lieutenant and a couple of senior NCOs. I expect that the LT had to write a report about the whole silly incident, a bit of creative writing I wish I’d had a chance to see. The reason for all this, I suppose, is that in multi-cultural America, the government can’t even trust its own soldiers.

  9. Alan Butler

    Check out the 2nd lady on the right, 30 round magazine in her belt. Only seconds away from lock and load!!!

  10. Jack Slater

    A blogger in Israel maintains a healthy photo lot of IDF Women clad in similar fashion as the photo Ilana has placed here. What a refreshing sight.

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