Updated: A New Kind of Conquest



I’ve begun reading Paul Johnson’s A History of the America People, and tracing the routes the first colonists took, using my large globe. Walter Raleigh: now there’s a “proto-American” clichésman of action distinguished in his courage, vision, energy, audacity (alas, cruelty), and intellect.

Speaking of colonists, there’s a new kind in town. Here are some of the intriguing facts, (collated by Human Events) highlighted in Pat Buchanan’s new book, State of Emergency, The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America:

  • Fact: our illegal population today is greater than the total number of Irish, Jewish, and British immigrants who ever came to the U.S.
  • Why the reigning Republicans ignore the law and do little or nothing to stop illegal immigration
  • How mass immigration inevitably tilts the center of gravity of American politics to the Left
  • How the numbers of Americans of European descent are rapidly decreasing — and the political and social implications
  • How Los Angeles today provides a glimpse of what all of America will be like in 2050
  • An ‘American creed’? Why those who believe that the ideas of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address hold us together as a nation are distorting or reinventing history
  • Fact: not only are arguments about the economic benefits provided by illegal aliens false, but illegal immigration also constitutes a massive drain on our economy
  • Why importing a vast diaspora from a neighboring nation so different from our own is such a hellish risk
  • How the United States Government threw up its hands and abdicated its constitutional duty to protect the states from invasion by illegal aliens over four decades ago
  • Why it is difficult, if not impossible, for cities to get control of the growing crime menace of immigrants and illegal aliens
  • John F. Kennedy and immigration: how, in 1991, the U.S. took in twelve times more immigrants than what JFK stated in the early 1960s as an acceptable annual limit
  • Bush’s guest worker plan: how it provoked a surge to the border
  • How, as Republicans dither, some Democrats are beginning to see the potency among voters of the illegal immigration issue
  • How, rather than fading away, issues of nationality long considered dead are resurfacing today
  • Why so many children of Asian-American and Hispanic immigrants are assimilating into a deadly subculture of gangs and crime
  • How even conservatives now routinely denounce as ‘racist,’ ‘nativist’ and ‘xenophobic’ anyone who argues that mass migration from the Third World risks disuniting and even destroying America

Eurabia on the rise: the devastating consequences of unrestricted immigration in Europe

Buchanan disapproves of Eurabia? Why, then, is he so eager to see Israel claimed by the same savages?

Update: Buchanan’s contradictions aside (elucidated in “Buchanan of Arabia“), his WND column today, “Prophets Without Honor” is certainly gutsy, as his book will no doubt be.

5 thoughts on “Updated: A New Kind of Conquest

  1. james huggins

    Americans are broken into three categories. 1) Fat dumb and happy. They don’t see these dangers because they are too ignorant or too lazy to read and discern. 2) Those who have been aware, or vaguely aware but don’t really know what to do as the information available has always been controlled by those who want, for whatever reason, the social re-engineering of the country. 3) Those who actually work for this social re-engineering and by gaining control of the media, education system and one and a half our two major political parties have just about pulled it off.

    I don’t know the answer. To turn it around would require a grass roots, ground swell of irate Americans demanding a halt to this process. I don’t see that happening as the backbone has gone from most Americans.

  2. concha

    Ms. Mercer,
    Hispanics are not truly “third-world” types, in fact, we pride ourselves on our keen sense of values and religiosity. Mr. Buchanon insults us further by classifying us as people without European ancestry–I’m sure you know that Mexicans tend to “play up” their Spanish, French, Jewish, and Italian roots a bit more than the Indian.
    And you’re right, he is not a fan of Israel, the West’s last bastion of hope in the the Middle East.
    I admire him on some points but really, I too find him to be most hypocritical.
    May God Bless Israel

  3. Stephen W. Browne


    If you’re enjoying the life of Sir Walter Raleigh, you might like this poem. It was written by an unknown witness to his execution, reproduced from memory I’m afraid. I can’t find the original in my files but I believe I’ve got it pretty much verbatim, with the archaic spelling and verb forms.

    Near as I can tell, King James appears to have had Raleigh executed because he was so clearly and conspicuously the better man. One of Raleigh’s friends who witnessed it was an Indian King from the Orinoco River area who openly wept. He is known to have returned to his people. I wonder if he told them that the English kill the best men among them?

    On the Death of Sir Walter Raleigh

    Great Heart! Who taught thee to die!
    Death yielding thee the victory.
    Where took’st thou leave of life,
    if here, how could’st thou be so far from fear?
    For sure thou died’st and quitted the state
    of flesh and blood before that fate.
    Else what a miracle were wrought,
    to triumph both in flesh and thought.
    I saw in every stander-by, pale death,
    Life only in thine eye.
    Farewell! Truth shall this story say,
    We died, thou only live’std that day.

  4. kalmen Shiloh

    Does Man live for truth or purpose? “Seek the truth and it shall set you free,” but will it make you happy??? Purpose, on the other hand, gives one a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately what we accomplish does seem to depend how one is socialized. Socialize for life and wealth accumulation, and you get well, America a la De’Toquville. Socialize for death, and you get GAZA, Mogadishu, Tehran, Baghdad etc., a la Dante’s inferno.

  5. Richard Allen

    If the truth shall set you free, then all is lost in the US of A. Is political correctness truth? Is multiculturalism truth? Is shakedown of airline passengers at airports truth? Is the refusal by spineless politicians in Washington to close our borders to protect our nation and its citizens truth? Is the refusal by Washington to profile airline passengers truth? Is what our schools are teaching our students truth? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then I don’t know what truth is. It’s like it depends on the meaning of “is” is.

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