Comments on: Are BO’s Pants On Fire? by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Glisson Wed, 16 Sep 2009 23:35:21 +0000 But since he approved the original bill that gave the clearance to Illegal Immigrants for funding, and efforts by he and other Republicans to make it illegal NOW, he is in a perfect position to say “You lie” when the presided swore that the Illegals would not receive funding. True he made a mistake, blunder, screw up in the past and is responsible for that, but we need to remember that it is today that counts.

By: Myron Pauli Wed, 16 Sep 2009 02:13:05 +0000 The “illegal alien section: is 1101 (so much for Republicans passing a simple bill)

Hope this link works. Otherwise, GOOGLE, go to 108-391 and do a FIND
of the word CITIZEN.

If even 3 out of the 204 Republicans had switched, the bill would have failed – anyway, if this is what the Republicans in Congress eagerly produced, then contemplate these questions:

(a) what monstrosities will come out of the Democrats?

(b) what further monstrosities from the bureaucrats and Czars like Sunstein who get to “interpret” the “Health Care Reform”?

(c) what additional nonense will arise when the Federal Courts get to throw in their own “interpretations” with Eric Holder, Kathleen Sibelius, and Elana Kagan representing the Administration?

By: Roy Bleckert Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:09:33 +0000 2 trigger happy LOL

Here is the main page for Hr 1

This is the house vote

Senate vote


By: Roy Bleckert Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:00:25 +0000

By: Roy Bleckert Tue, 15 Sep 2009 19:52:35 +0000 ilana, myRon, David Giffin, excellent research using the politicians’ own words and actions to show the hypocrisy of 98.7% of all of them.

HR 1 by Hastert-Bush was the Rep. stepping stone to the Dem. health care reform they are trying to shove down our throats today.(Bipartisan Ya Know)

108-391 has helped destroy what was once the finest emergency care system in the world here in So Cal, and grinding it down into total disarray in 5 short years.

It’s a story that needs to be told to point out the danger of what happens when ” the Dofusses of DC ” get there mittens on anything.

By: Myron Pauli Tue, 15 Sep 2009 12:55:19 +0000 This is from Bill HR 108-391 that Joe “LIAR” Wilson voted FOR (with 204 other Republicans):

“Subtitle B: Miscellaneous Provisions – (Sec. 1011) Appropriates for FY 2005 through 2008 specified funding out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated to the Secretary for the purpose of making allotments to States for payments to eligible providers for unreimbursable costs incurred by providing emergency health care services to: (1) undocumented aliens; (2) aliens who have been parolded into the United States at a United States port of entry for the purpose of receiving eligible services; and (3) Mexican citizens permitted to enter the United States for not more than 72 hours under the authority of a biometric machine readable border crossing identification card.”

In other words, Wilson and the Republicans SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED stealing taxpayer money to provide health care to illegals and visiting Mexicans!! So Joe Wilson is what I would call a “subject matter expert”
on providing federal health benefits to illegals.

[Please provide links to the bill/quote.]

By: Myron Pauli Tue, 15 Sep 2009 12:50:10 +0000 I read that many of the people using the National Health Service in Britain are foreigners who came in for the freebies (unfortunately no reference) – but it is a typical attribute of a welfare system.

It is well known that McCain and the Republicans did NOTHING to stop alien mooching – and one can hardly expect anything out of the Democrats either.

Actually, Presidents from Jefferson through Taft did not speak to Congress since it smacked of royalism – this dreadful phenomena was brought back by Woodrow Wilson, my nominee for worst (significant) President. In the British parliament, Joe Wilson would have been within his rights as a member of the opposition to question the PM.

Meanwhile, HYPOCRITE and LIAR Joe Wilson was among the 204 Republicans who voted FOR federal medical prescription drugs to illegal aliens (Ron Paul and 24 others voted NAY on 11/22/03)!! See…
I will paste the passages from House 108-391 in a separate post.

[Great job]
