‘Audit the Fed!’

Conservatism,Federal Reserve Bank,Founding Fathers,Inflation,Journalism,libertarianism,Republicans,Ron Paul


What I appreciate about Jack Hunter, also a Taki’s Magazine writer, is the way he marries solid principles and a pragmatic approach to politics. Unless a commentator achieves this feat in a consistent, principled manner, he is worthless. Yes, worthless! Some of our readers have been seduced by the habit so many libertarian scribblers have of vaporizing libertarian theory into the ether, while sitting on the fence and playing holier-than-thou when it comes to politics. Worthless as it is easy. Aside from the pleasant Southern lilt, Hunter has a natural knack for cleaving to reality while retaining principles. In ‘Audit the Fed!’ he narrates thus:

“While Bush and McCain were ‘abandoning free-market principles to save the free-market system’ by signing off on an $800 billion Wall Street Bailout, the Republican establishment still treated the truly free-market Ron Paul as some sort of crazy, irrelevant money crank.

It’s amazing the difference a year makes.

As of this writing, every single Republican in the House and over 60 Democrats have co-sponsored Paul’s H.R. 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve. Given the current economic crisis, it turns out that many legislators are eager to see just how the Fed is able to print new money out of thin air. In the 1980’s, Paul introduced similar legislation with virtually no help from his fellow Republicans. In 2009, the entire party has lined up behind Ron Paul.”

Listen here.

6 thoughts on “‘Audit the Fed!’

  1. Frank Brady

    Either the Washington establishment has lost its mind or it is deliberately engaged in the destruction of the American nation. In either event, the effect is the same. Washington poses a direct and imminent threat to what little remains of American liberty and the very survival of our economy. It has become a dangerous and palpable locus of evil in the modern world.

  2. Roy Bleckert

    If Ron Paul accomplishes his goal and gets the Fed. audited , he will have done a tremendous service to America, for shining the light on the cockroaches that have been running this organization in secrecy for far to long.

  3. JP Strauss

    I seriously hope that Ron Paul finds a worthy successor soon because he probably won’t be around when my yet unborn kids get to be our average age.

  4. Bob Harrison

    I remember early in his campaign Dr. Paul said how surprised he was at the enthusiasm of young people when he spoke about reforming (read: abolishing) the Fed. As one of those young people myself, I can testify that many of my friends whom I never expected to even be interested in politics are now energized and interested in Libertarian politics and Austrian economic theory. My hope is that the obvious similarity between Bush policy and Obama policy (With the same disastrous consequences) will wake the youth up!

  5. Myron Pauli

    The good news is that the “Audit the Fed” bill will pass in some form. The bad news is that Goldman-Sachs will probably be hired to do the work (Matt Taibbi had an interesting piece on these fascist criminals in Rolling Stone but the link is hard to find).

    On the other hand – WHAT IS THE BIG SECRET anyway? That Toyota workers are getting fleeced to keep Chrysler workers afloat? Consumers keeping worthless parasitic dealers alive? Building useless overpriced F-22’s to dogfight the Taliban’s Air Force? Paying Archer Daniels Midland four times for corn ethanol than paying the Brazilians for the same ethanol which probably is a net energy and environmental waste? That we “save jobs” through “regulations” whereby one person holds the lightbulb while 5 turn the ladder? Bridges to Nowhere? Zero interest loans on overpriced houses?

    Americans are more interested in Michelle Obama’s dresses than in how many Gigabucks AIG gets to send to Goldman Sachs. Who the hell can even contemplate the $70,000 / taxpayer federal debt? Congress passes bills before they can even be posted online! Nothing terribly wrong with auditing the fed but the far better answer would be to completely SLAY the beast!

  6. Gringo Malo

    That audit of the Fed is more than forty years late. It would have made sense to audit the Fed when dollars were still redeemable for gold. The purpose of the audit would have been to verify that the Fed had enough gold to redeem all of the dollars in circulation, and to take punitive action against its Board of Governors if not. Of course, the Sixties were the days of guns and butter, when LBJ was creating a socialist Great Society in America while simultaneously waging war on his fellow communists in Vietnam. To the best of my recollection, no one called for an audit of the Fed when it would have made sense.

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