Updated: Blame Local Yokels

Crime,Criminal Injustice,Drug War,Hillary Clinton,Homeland Security


Republican loyalists protesting Hillary Clinton’s latest antics should spare us their righteous indignation. Bush would have said and done exactly as Madam Secretary of State has—he too would have blamed American tokers and dopers for the fact that Mexican murderers are killing one another, and, while at it, are throwing into the mix an American or two.

It’s business as usual:

An “insatiable” appetite in the United States for illegal drugs is to blame for much of the violence ripping through Mexico, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday.

Clinton acknowledged the U.S. role in Mexico’s drug cartel problem as she arrived in Mexico for a two-day visit where she will discuss U.S. plans to ramp up border security with President Felipe Calderon. …

“Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of police officers, soldiers and civilians,” Clinton told reporters during her flight to Mexico City.

“I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility.”

We’d expect nothing else from Clinton–blaming peaceful members of society for the savagery of criminals. Ever ask yourself, Madam, why Mexicans are more likely to run drugs, while Americans are more inclined to consume them?

Update: And could it be, Madam, that these societies–Mexican and American–are fundamentally different in some real and material way worth investigating and perhaps even preserving? Perish the thought!

12 thoughts on “Updated: Blame Local Yokels

  1. Roger Chaillet

    “Our inability.”

    No, more like the elites’ refusal to seal the borders, especially after 9/11.

    But it was Bill Clinton who said a few years ago: “Soon the US will be majority minority.”

    She, along with the other elites of both political parties, is hellbent on dispossessing the native born.

    Once this happens via demographic warfare, then the they can rule with impunity.

    That’s what open borders, globalism and “free” trade are all about.

    Dispossession of the native born in the Western world.

  2. Anonymous

    Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the death of police officers, soldiers and civilians,” Clinton told reporters during her flight to Mexico City.
    For real. Then it must be Mexico’s inability to stop illegal aliens from entering the U.S.?

    [Please provide valid address next time; it remains anon]

  3. Van Wijk

    Mexico is not making any effort to stop illegal immigration into the U.S. On the contrary, the Mexican government has a vested interest in keeping the border porous. They get to export both their worst criminal elements and workers who will send a substantial portion of their ill-gotten wages home. Seal the border and you shut off these convenient pressure-release valves, and what passes for the government of Mexico very likely collapses.

    Dig it. Mexico is, and always has been, a HOSTILE foreign nation.

  4. JP Strauss

    How hard could it be to build a fence between the two countries? It worked wonders for us in SA in the past. We had a nice fence between us and Zimbabwe, regular army patrols and a river full of crocodiles. Doesn’t seem like rocket science…

  5. Myron "Satan" Pauli

    If one sets tuna on a plate on the front porch, don’t be surprised to see a stray cat trespassing. The descendents of native nomads who roamed Cactusland long before the Gadsden Purchase see (a) high paying jobs, (b) welfare, food stamps, and free education for their 53 relatives, (c) politicians like McCain, Steele, Pelosi, and Obama welcoming them, and (d) de facto entrepreneurial opportunities (in the form of “illegal” drugs) and then DUHHH!! – cross the (mostly unguarded) border. And this country DEPORTS the militia, listed in the Constitution to “repel invasion”, 10,000 miles away at the whim of George W. Obama to prop up Maliki, Karzai, and Zardari. Enlightened Hillary has found out who is really to blame. It’s NOT the statist politicians who set up the welfare state, the war on drugs, Global Empire, and labor regulations while neglecting border enforcement. It’s certainly NOT Pedro or his cousin Wile E. Coyote. No, siree – it’s the fault of gun owners with night vision goggles (see http://www.opticsplus.net/DayNightScopes/DayNightScopes). In fact, EVIL SATAN is probably the first author of the paper “Multi Function Rifle Scope (MFRS)” – http://www.urf.com/madl/papers.html – who posts on http://www.ilanamercer.com and whose name contains “Ron Paul”.

  6. Steve

    Perhaps it is time to take the “profit” motive out of drugs like marijuana. Legalize it and tax it like alcohol. Then the “profit” motive would not be based on trying to smuggle something illegal into the US like alcohol prohibition did, but on trying to provide the best quality at the cheapest price…..a pipe dream I suppose.

  7. Robert Glisson

    When you’re in an insane asylum and the inmates are in charge, it helps to retain your sense of humor for your own sanity. The world is going to need us Libs in good shape to clean up the mess, you know. Relax, I like your comments and don’t want you to burn out.

  8. Roger Chaillet

    JP Strauss does not understand.

    George Bush met with the prime minister of Canada and the president of Mexico a few years ago. Bush told reporters the three discussed the trade in jelly beans.

    Jelly beans!


    Bush and the others want a hemispheric version of the European Union. That’s why the borders are wide open. And that’s what the closed door meeting in Canada was all about.

    Can’t others grasp this?

    As for the drug trade, George Bush’s cronies sit on, or used to sit on, the board of a check cashing service here in Dallas. I proved this in a letter to VDARE.com. These check cashing services wire billions each year in remittances to Mexico, Guatemala and elsewhere. Money is fungible. Much of these funds come from illicit sources such as illegal immigrant smuggling and the illicit drug trade.

    One of these cronies is Rob Allyn. He resides here in Dallas. He was the one who orchestrated the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox of Mexico.

    So, this guy sits on the board of a check cashing service.

    And he’s pals with the two amigos – Bush and Fox.

    And the southern border remains wide open.

    Now do readers understand?

  9. Myron Pauli

    The militia (armed citizenry) would be organized by the townfolk or the governor when British & Hessians & Indians were coming into town to wreck the place – in olden days. The Constitution allows Congress to call the militia into service to suppress rebellion and repel invasion – this is what I was referring to. Nothing legal about sending the firemen, insurance salesmen, and armed plumbers of the state militia off to Afghanistan – they were not a standing professional army to be used at the whim of the President.

  10. Van Wijk

    Agreed. What I’m not clear on is what militia was “deported” 10,000 miles away to fight foreign wars. Unless you’re talking about the Reserves and National Guard, but these are also not militia.

  11. JP Strauss

    Roger, I was being sarcastically condescending. We all know that open borders are in the best interest of some leaders.

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