- AIPAC Track
- Airwars Investigating Civilian Harm
- Al Arabia News Saudi-run, American cutout
- Al Jazeera
- Al Jazeera, Fault Lines
- Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan)
- Al-Haq Independent Palestinian non-governmental human-rights organisation based in Ramallah
- Al-Mayadeen Media Network
- Allegheny Treasures Exposing Wind-Power Scam
- American Friends Service Committee Quaker organization with a deep commitment to peace, justice, and human dignity
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
- Amnesty International Research and campaigning to fight abuses of human rights worldwide.
- Anadolu Agency (AA)
- Arab News
- AXIOS News
- BBC World News
- Breaking The Silence Israeli veteran soldiers who have served since the Second Intifada, exposing life in the Occupied Territories.
- Britannica Dictionary
- B’Tselem The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
- Capt. Matthew Hoh At the The Eisenhower Media Network (EMN)
- CENTCOM, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) Blanketing the “central” area of the globe located between the European, Africa and Indo-Pacific Commands.
- Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (CHS)
- Center for Constitutional Rights Progressive
- Channel 4 News
- Channel 4, Alex Thomson At least marginal reporting from the ground is done
- Chris Hedges The epitome of Christian morality
- Chris Hedges YouTube Channel
- COGAT (Coordinator of the Government Activities in the Territories) Hasbara lies how to dress the act of starving Palestinians as feeding them
- Colonel Douglas Macgregor's Blog
- Common Dreams
- Craig Mokhiber Legal authority for international human rights law
- Craig Mokhiber, QC Specialist in international human rights law, policy, and methodology.
- Crisis Magazine
- Declassified UK Leading media organisation uncovering the UK’s role in the world.
- Democracy Now! Daily, global, independent news, worthy with resepct to Palestine, not Ukraine
- Dialogue Works For Matt Hoh, Scott Ritter, Laith Marouf
- Dimitri Lascaris' Reason2Resist
- Double Down News, DDN Where giants like Peter Oborne can be heard
- Drop Site News
- Electronic Intifada Best Source, focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.
- Electronic Intifada, Podcast
- Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor
- Express Computer
- Foreign Policy Magazine Center-Left
- Gallup Polling
- Gaza Soup Kitchen Charity founded by sainted chef MAHMOUD ALMADHOUN, murdered by Israel
- Genocide Convention
- Genocide Convention
- Gisha Protects the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents
- Global Research
- Grayzone Podcast (a must)
- Grayzone website Indispensable on foreign policy, in general, and especially Palestine
- Gulf Cooperation Council
- Ha'aretz
- Hamas Expert, Helena Cobban
- Hamas Expert, Helena Cobban
- Hind Rajab Foundation Litigation Against IDF
- ‘Local Conversation’ From The Occupation (in Hebrew)
- Channel 12, Hebrew
- Human Rights Watch Investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.
- India & Global Left Informative podcast, discoverer of Arabist Chas Freeman
- International Court Of Justice (ICJ)
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- International Humanitarian Law Databases
- International Rescue Committee
- Israel Democracy Institute Polling in Israel, reliable, scary
- Israel Palestine News
- Jadaliyya Podcast
- Jeffrey D. Sachs columns @ Common Dreams
- Jeffrey D. Sachs, website
- Jewish Electorate Institute
- Jewish People Policy Institute Polling a sick society
- Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
- Just World Educational United States’ role in the world, focusing on war, peace, justice (Palestine)
- Kevork Almassian's Syriana Analysis The best young geopolitical analyst out of the Levant
- Laith Marouf Geopolitical commentary out of the Levant, recommended
- Larry C Johnson, Intelligence Expert
- Lee Mordechai, an Israeli historian's archive examining, documenting the genocide
- Legal Centre for Palestine (LCP) Helping Palestinians in Canada
- Legal Centre for Palestine (LCP)
- Libertarian Alliance, UK
- Library of Jewish Texts
- Literary Hub Pro-Palestine, so refreshing:
- Local Conversation Hebrew version of +972
- Maariv, Hebrew
- Maariv, Online English Seems like both Yediot Achronot & Maariv share a common, online front, in English. Fishy
- Matthew Hoh, Cpt, Sustack Indispensable on the Middle East
- Matthew Hoh, Podcast
- MECA, Middle East Children’s Alliance, nonprofit
- Médecins Sans Frontières Doctors Without Borders
- Middle East Eye Superb, principled news source about the Middle East, first with the news
- Middle East Monitor (MEMO)
- Middle East Monitor, YouTube Excellent when Mouin Rabbani is on
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation
- MintPress Independet News
- Mises Institute
- Mondoweiss Informs readers about developments in Israel/Palestine and related U.S. foreign policy
- Mother Jones
- Mouin Rabbani, Connections Podcast Analyst on Middle East and Israel-Palestine affairs. Superb. The Best
- Mouin Rabbani, Palestine This Week Podcast
- New Indian Express, Real News
- NGO Monitor Israel-bias, claims fact-based research and independent analysis about NGOs in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
- Nima Elbagir, CNN Chief International Investigative Correspondent
- Norman Finkelstein, foremost scholar on Gaza, on Substack
- Norman Finkelstein, foremost scholar on Gaza, website
- Novara Media
- Palestine Chronicle
- Palestine Deep Dive Amplifying Palestinian voices against attempted erasure.
- Palestine Legal Protecting the civil and constitutional rights of people in the US who speak out for Palestinian freedom
- Nakba Oral History Project
- Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Polling
- Patterns of Harm Analysis, Gaza, October 2023, Airwars
- Press TV Iranian, mirrors reality, not Empire’s parallel reality
- ProPublica Independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest
- Quds News Network (QNN) Largest independent and comprehensive Palestinian youth electronic news network
- Rania Khalek Dispatches Excellent
- ReliefWeb, Humanitarian
- Reuters, Nidal Al-Mughrabi
- RevisedHistory by Al Benson Jr.
- Revolutionary Blackout Interesting citizen journalists at he Revolutionary Blackout Network, Nick Cruse
- RightSide TV
- RT
- ScheerPost, award-winning, independent news
- Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)
- Scott Ritter
- Scribd Digital document library
- SEMAFOR Facts, analysis, opinion, counter-narratives, and global perspectives
- Shadow Government Statistics
- Shop Palestine Annual Palestinian Crafts’ Bazaar in support of Palestinians
- TASS Russian news agency
- Teheran Times
- The Art Of Manliness
- The Association for Civil Rights Israel (ACRI) Useful data, no more
- The Austrian
- The Austrian Economists
- The Calhoun Institute
- The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation William S. Lind
- The Chris Hedges Report The best of antiwar, anti-empire, justice writing and broadcasting
- The Christian Post
- The Cradle
- The Fleming Foundation
- The Grayzone
- The Intercept Investigating powerful individuals and institutions to expose corruption and injustice
- The International Crisis Group An independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world.
- The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention
- The National Law Journal
- The New Arab Progressive, non-partisan news
- The New Observer The New Observer
- The Palestine Pod I like Palestinian-American lawyer (Lara E.)
- The Peace Index, Israeli Polling
- The Peace Index, Tel Aviv University Surveys
- The Seventh Eye, 7eye Israeli media exposing war crimes in Hebrew
- The Unz Review
- The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- Times of Israel Propaganda, like most Israeli news
- TRT World, Türkiye
- Truth Revolt
- Truthout
- UNESCO Develop tools for cooperation among states, but who knows what this means
- UNICEF, for every child
- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) Data
- United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)
- United Nations, Israel-Gaza Crisis
- United States Institute of Peace
- US Middle East Project, Daniel Levy
- WAFA, Palestinian News & Information Agency Keeping the public opinion worldwide informed about Palestine
- We Are Not Numbers We Are Not Numbers (WANN) is a youth-led Palestinian nonprofit project in the Gaza Strip. It tells the stories behind the numbers of Palestinians in the news and advocates for their human rights.
- World BEYOND War Activism & Education
- Yedioth Ahronoth, English
- Yedioth Ahronoth, Hebrew
- ZeroHedge
- Zeteo, Theoretically medicore News