Updated: Bomb Them With Bimbos

Feminism,Morality,Sex,The Zeitgeist


The excerpt is from my new WorldNetDaily column. You can read the uncut version of “Bomb Them With Bimbos” on IlanaMercer.com:

“It transpires that Mao Zedong once proposed exporting 10 million Chinese women to the United States. In a long conversation with Henry Kissinger at the Chinese leader’s residence in 1973, Mao moaned about ‘the dismal trade between the two countries,’ saying China was a ‘very poor country’ with an excess of women.

That’s one page America might consider talking out of the Little Red Book.

If we were to export women, politics would begin to move to the right again. Oprah’s empire of imbeciles would shrink. And it would become possible to rehabilitate English as our official language. Distaff America has made a certain style of speech its signature:

“And he was like, ‘Come here’; and I was like, ‘No’; and he was like, ‘You’re amazing’; and I was like, ‘I know.’”

Update (May 11): “SEND MY WIFE.” Stephen G. Smith has entertained us with one of the funniest letters—funny, but a little sad at the same time. I wonder how men of the Right deal with wives who’re left-liberals. (And face it; most women are left-liberals). The garage, the range, this blog. Do share.

13 thoughts on “Updated: Bomb Them With Bimbos

  1. Steve Hayes

    This quote from your column today is beyond compare. It doesn’t get any more accurate, thus not any more funny. It is, perhaps, the most accurate description of the show “Friends” I have ever read.

    The violence visited on the English language is accompanied by a sound Greg Gutfeld described as “that profoundly irritating voice … that squeezes out anything smart from both places, leaving only a ditz-filled diaper.”

  2. Benjamin

    Mademoiselle Mercer,

    In the name of all that’s good and lovely, and for the sake of Fair Trade, please recommend some “return fire” from our purported enemies, after we bomb them with bimbos.

    How about a real “volley” of feminine firepower?

    American men could drop highly skilled and experienced, albeit well worn-in American women onto our enemies… knowing full well that our adversaries will be consigned to fire back at us only “weak” women who are:
    . not nearly as well-trained from dozens of previous mating escapades,
    . nor so strong in their defiant refusal to live in peace and happiness with men.

    A big disparity in fire-power between the enemy and us.

    We might have to wait through generations before the foreign gals they hit us with, and their feminine progeny, can develop into full-fledged, been-with-every-guy-in-town, wouldnt-know-sweetness-nor-kindness-if-they-tripped-over-it, 100% pure, completely worthless American beaches.

    Some say that all is fair in love and war.

  3. robert

    ““And he was like, ‘Come here’; and I was like, ‘No’; and he was like, ‘You’re amazing’; and I was like, ‘I know.’”

    This is hilarious. My daughter just finished her first year of college indoctrination… I mean education. I hope she doesn’t come home “like, you know, well, like having lost her Okie drawl and her mother’s english ?” Coming from South Africa, where once upon a time the folks spoke real english, you must be under constant culture shock or else suffering “post traumatic speak syndrome.” In your case, we need to follow Buchanan’s protectionist propensities but “then like open the northern border” so, like, more english speakers can migrate south. Thank you for the friday humor.

  4. Dennis McCutcheon

    OUCH! Truth is often painful and shocking. My youngest daughter will be 17 tomorrow and we have never had an argument about appropriate clothing. Part of this is due to the modesty her older sister demonstrates daily. I praise both of them frequently.

    I do short term mission work in third world countries and have been doing so for last almost 20 years. As a nation we have exported bimbo clothing, whorish music and movies quite successfully. Not only have we managed to destroy families here but we are destroying families there. It has become harder to witness for Christ because we are no longer seen as a Christian nation. The fallout from this change will be felt for generations to come.

    Keep up the heat Ilana.

    No need to reply.

    In Christ from a proud father and saddened missionary.

  5. Geoff

    Whew…- – kinda surprised you’re with WorldNetDaily.

    Candidly, that Joseph Farrah guy comes across as one of the more sanctimonious zealots I’ve witnessed recently — a self-righteous pontificator who reminds me of James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Randall Terry. Yeah, that kind of zealot — anti-sex (gasp) to an extreme even….

    That said, wish you’d find another outlet. A staunch libertarian on that site causes one a case of the vapors; not quite Terminal Angst, but, you get the idea.

    Stay well. And, continued success.


    [Libertarians WON’T publish me; WND will. What does it say about the former (and certainly the latter)? As for JF, we must disagree. To publish me, you can’t be all those things.–IM]

  6. Jeff

    Thank you, Ilana. Coming from Southeast Asia, I can assure you that we have no shortage of local-bred bimbos there… but sadly, American pop culture exported has pushed the standards up (down) many notches. Please remember still that there ARE good American idealogical exports, too!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Andrew T.

    Libertarian websites won’t publish you? I did notice you’ve had nothing posted on LewRockwell.com for years now, in fact it’s linked nowhere. Were you deemed to edgy for the site?

  8. Steven Stipulkoski

    Bimbos? Yes, there are many who are less than they could have been. Blame those who had power but misused it, those who abandoned or never understood the concept of liberty so as to inflict their own ideas on the rest of us.

    In a society with full property rights and the right to discriminate on moral grounds, much of the silliness we witness would be gone. The reason? In such a society the righteous tend to prosper and have power.

  9. Rose

    Lew Rockwell no longer publishes Ms. Mercer, I daresay, because she, among other subversions, doesn’t hold to the theory that Israel (and America’s support of Israel) is the source of all trouble in the Middle East. She also credits Western Civilization as the source of the principles of freedom which libertarians cherish. Many at Lew Rockwell seem more in sympathy with those who wouldn’t be sorry to see its demise.

  10. Stephen G. Smith

    Send my wife! I have spent my time in the garage since Obamamania hit home. Reason…what’s that…mia.

  11. gunjam

    Great teaser from your WND piece (which, I confess, I have yet to read in full). I dare say: You remain one of my favorite bloggers/commentators in the universe, even though I disagree with you on some issues (e.g., Iraq). The curious thing is: You are libertarian (and Farah is not!). Here, perhaps, is your problem: You are not a follower of -isms or a freeloader on band-wagons: You write from your heart (as filtered through your frighteningly erudite mind). You probably scare most men in the New Media and in talk radio to death. Anyway, I agree: Let’s drop our bimbos on Beijing and Shanghai, so we can once again have intelligent political discourse. My first resolution: Criticizing followers of a “religion” (e.g., Islam) that is practiced by members of all ethnic groups — whatever else it may be — canNOT logically constitute “racism.”

    [Me scare people? That’s b/c people equate me with my ferocious writing. I’m soft spoken, quiet and petite. As my daughter, age 7, once wrote in her school diary: “My mother is a quiet woman who only speaks when she has something to say.” The little minx.—IM]

  12. Myron Pauli

    Although I am an atheist (of Jewish descent), I am happy that my 11-year-old girl (a Chinese export) goes to summer camp with the Chabad Lubavitch. It is a partial counter to all the cultural junk she gets on Disney, rap radio, and other Hollywood Schlock from some of her peers. While it might be nice to find some NON-religious outlet, which would provide a moral framework, I have to live within my options as a single father.

  13. Alex

    While it’s true that a lot of women are left liberals, I’m not sure if it would be a good idea to send women as a whole off, regardless of their political world view.

    I know that this isn’t intended to be serious, but a large majority of women are graduating at rates higher than men in academia. If the trend continues, not only will most of the best jobs belong to women, but the best minds as well.

    It’s this reason why I found the “Silly Sex” funny, but a little off. It’s women who are rising and finding greater personal and academic success – not men. If men were sent off, we would likely lose mostly fat construction workers and deadbeats. No offense – I am a guy – but this is largely the truth.

    [Perhaps you got confused, but the VDARE article the “Silly Sex?” was on the ball. The reality you describe is a consequence of preferential quotas and a primary and secondary school system that is female oriented—feminist, run by females, and anti-male. See “Shafting Boys,” and other essays in the “Feminism and Gender Issues” Archive.” It seems you’ve bought into the anti-male propaganda.—IM]

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