Comments on: Update III: Cass Sunstein: Most Dangerous Czar By Far by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hugo Schmidt Tue, 15 Sep 2009 08:22:03 +0000

However, Mr. Schmidt has provided four comments and not one has dealt with the subject, namely- Cass Sunstein.

The reason I didn’t engage with it was simple and straightforward: I agree with Mrs. Mercer (n.b.: do you prefer being referred to as Mrs. Mercer or Ilana?). My own comments would have amounted to less than gilding the lilly.

I focused on this because it is key to why the right keeps getting gutted in arguments. I also don’t believe for one second that the article above means to praise Darwin. Here’s the context:

Because people ascribe a degree of respectability to academics, intellectuals, philosophers and scholars, they can disregard the rights of the people much easier than a naked tyrant. In fact, Rousseau, Darwin and Nietzsche can go places Hitler, Stalin, Chavez and Obama could never dream.


As I repeat, it matters, because the right’s indulgence in this drivel is key to it getting gutted.


Neo-Darwinism is the addition of genetics to explain the source of variation that powers evolution.

Just glancing at the rest of your comment, you clearly don’t understand the first thing about evolution. Break open a few books and read something on it.

Oh, and to this:

But what do you have to win? A morally unbounded, meaningless life followed by extinction? Forgive a great many of us if we choose to look a little harder instead.

Atlas Shrugged has been in print for over fifty years. And before that, you could go back to Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics. Yet, that’s all secondary. I don’t flinch from conclusions just because they’re upsetting.

Finally: there is no “debate” about evolution. Every single piece of evidence supports evolution, and none is against it.

By: Robert Glisson Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:25:12 +0000 “what’s Darwin doing on this list?” Original comment in the article- “Rousseau, Darwin and Nietzsche can go places Hitler, Stalin, Chavez and Obama could never dream” The writer clearly stated that Darwin was a “GREATER PERSON” person” than any living or dead would be dictator. ie Darwin was ‘exaulted’ Lifted up, more or less praised. Is it Mr. Schmidt’s contention that no one can be compared to his hero. Then speaks of winning debates followed with a statement that there is no debate it’s all settled science. Talk about a religion; shess. However, Mr. Schmidt has provided four comments and not one has dealt with the subject, namely- Cass Sunstein. Does he agree that the subject matter ie Cass Sunstein is a danger to liberty or not?

By: M. B. Moon Mon, 14 Sep 2009 18:02:15 +0000 Hugo,
I am beginning to see your point. Darwin made great contributions, no doubt. But the neo-Darwinists, like the neo-Keynesians have gone way too far. Since you keep quoting Dawkins then I surmise you are a neo-Darwinist?

neo-Darwinism: random mutations + natural selection accounts for all the diversity in life. The origin of life itself, however, is left unexplained.

The devil is in the details and probability theory. Your side has been driven to postulating an infinite number of undetectable universes and we just happen to be in one of the incredible lucky ones so that we are able to experience our good fortune.

So now it is faith versus faith.

But what do you have to win? A morally unbounded, meaningless life followed by extinction? Forgive a great many of us if we choose to look a little harder instead.

By: Hugo Schmidt Mon, 14 Sep 2009 09:45:28 +0000

Vox Day loves to debate Darwinist, and I believe, has challenged Dawkins to a debate

I believe that Dawkins’s standard reply is “Would look good on your C.V. Not so good on mine.” You can find a more lengthy discussion of that in A Devil’s Chaplain.

Let me give you another example. Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal fascism does wonders in refuting the canard that fascism is somehow the result of capitalism run amuck. However, he fatally damages his case by going in for this sort of horrible innuendo against Darwin (and also by trying to airbrush the role of Catholicism and Christianity in the Fascist movements of the twentieth century).

So, I wonder again, what’s Darwin doing on this list?

By: M. B. Moon Mon, 14 Sep 2009 02:11:26 +0000 “… – and then sit slack jawed when they’re cut to ribbons in debate, …” Hugo

They have not debated me and I assure you not all the bloody ribbons would be mine. But I am nothing compared to some heavy weights I know of.

Yes, there are many ninnies on my side, just as there are many on your side.

As libertarians, let’s agree to disagree. Rather that fight over what should be taught in the government schools, for instance, let’s just abolish them.

The truth will surely prevail on a level playing field, eh?

By: Robert Glisson Sun, 13 Sep 2009 23:21:16 +0000 Vox Day loves to debate Darwinist, and I believe, has challenged Dawkins to a debate. Personally I don’t care what someone else believes, but in regard to the destruction of culture, I blame the ‘Victorian Era’ which contained numerous contradictions, including both evolution and creationism. But my favorite scientist is Sir. Issac Newton, on whom most of our knowledge of the “Vast World” hinges. But back to the subject of this post, which our reader who led us down a rabbit trail did not address. Mr. Cass Sunstein has a soul mate in John Holden, who knows what the two of them can concoct. All of these old doomsday advocating people are being resurrected, long after they have been forgotten by most of the world. Next cabinet post will be granted to the president of the Hemlock Society.

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:46:02 +0000 “Now, if the bitching reader were a major donor toward my generally thankless efforts at shedding light where darkness is the rule—then I might indulge him.” Ilana

The check, such as it is, is in the mail. You have my thanks but alas, little cash. We love you Ilana.

By: Hugo Schmidt Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:16:30 +0000

I have applied libertarian thinking to a wide-ranging array of topics, from intellectual property to antitrust, to Just War, to economy, Hollywood, Islam—you name it, I’ve written about it.

Of which I am aware and have read. However, I do believe you have missed the important point.

I have lost count of the number of times I’ve heard American rightists whine about their loss of the entire cultural arena. What do they expect? By endorsing this flim-flam they hand the mantle of science, reason and progress to the opposition – and then sit slack jawed when they’re cut to ribbons in debate, or dismissed as reactionary cranks. Now one could try to reclaim it for the cause of individualism, liberty and capitalism. Alternatively, one could decide it’s too much trouble, and sit on the sidelines wailing that everything’s going down the tubes.

A decidely Godless non-neocon, John Derbyshire, has very accurately described the squalid innuendo against Darwin as “a blood libel on Western Civilization”. Quite. What kind of “conservatism” wants to throw out the crowning glories of the West?

[Darwin was hardly the best of the West. Bach: now that I can understand. Derb is a paleoconservative—and a Ron Paul supporter. I am hardly in the mold of the rightists against whom you rail (Mark Steyn is), so go debate them.]

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:11:35 +0000 “Given this “I just don’t know” is not good enough.” Hugo

Here we see “atheistic intolerance”.

Ah, Ilana! I see you have put Hugo in his place already. I should have known.

By: Hugo Schmidt Sun, 13 Sep 2009 19:26:25 +0000 An addendum, about the linked post,

Since I’m not religious, I’m in the “I just don’t know” school of thought too. [Ditto]

There is a wealth of first-rate books explaining the evidence for evolution for the intelligent layman, one of the most recent being Dawkins’s The Greatest Show on Earth. And, unlike relativity or quantum physics, evolution can be addressed directly, without years of specialized learning.

Given this “I just don’t know” is not good enough.
