As I’ve said, “the South Park depiction of Mel Gibson bouncing off walls he had freshly ‘coated’ in bodily waste is not far off.” Gibson was at it again, this time in a painful-to-watch interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer. He twitched, grimaced, scratched himself non-stop, and generally came across as creepy and insincere.
Gibson, it transpires, holds that “alcohol loosens your tongue and makes you talk in a way that is not you.” It wasn’t Mel that said those things about all Jews; it was some separate alter ego.
I’ve known a few drug addicts in my life. While they were particularly disgusting when on drugs, their sober persona didn’t deviate that much from their soused state-of-being. A is A, if you know what I’m saying.
In response to Sawyer’s truncated question paraphrasing the assertion that got Mel in trouble in the first place), “So are the Jews responsible [for all the wars in the world]?”, Gibson observed that [Jews] were not blameless in the Middle-East conflict. Blimy! He conflated Jews with Israelis. Sawyer was way too dumb to question him about that.
All the Israelis he considers semi-culpable for the conflict are Jews, but not all Jews are Israelis. And not all Jews support Israel. In fact, the anti-Israel claque is led by Jews. To wit, the New Historians, Noam Chomsky, “The Godfather,” Steven and Hillary Rose, Norman Finkelstein, Joel Kovel, Tanya Reinhart in Tel Aviv, and Michael Cohen in Swansea—these are but a few of the new anti-Semitism’s leading Jewish lights.
The fact that Mel conflates Israelis with all Jews confirms he has a prejudice.
Gibson then hazarded that he had lashed out because of the attacks by some Jews on “The Passion,” for its alleged anti-Semitism. Once again, true to type, Mel conflates the “Christophobic charlatan Abe Foxman,” and a few other idiots, with all Jews, and fails to mention the many prominent Jews who valiantly and eloquently defended his morose movie (which, as I’ve said, is not my idea of entertainment, or even art). Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, and Jackie Mason come immediately to mind.