Category Archives: Islam

The Palestinian Appetite For Destruction


Societies are only as good as the individuals they comprise. And individuals are only as good as their actions. Overall, Israeli society is superior to Palestinian society because, like America, it is peopled by individuals who make possible a thriving civil society. Yet to Bush, the latest chaotic chapter in the annals of the M.O.P.E (Most Oppressed People Ever) is an ‘exciting moment.’ It has inspired in him visions (or hallucinations) of “two states living side by side in peace.” Bush’s appetite for destruction must be even healthier than that of the Palestinians.”

In this week’s WND essay, which led the Commentary Page, “The Palestinian Appetite For Destruction,” you can read about how Abbas intends to consolidating his street cred with the Palestinians, why Carter has a point; Bush ought not to be favoring any of the Palestinian Black Shirts. There is also a juxtaposition of Israeli society and the savage society adjacent to it, and the manner in which the two Palestinians and Jews have responded to historical challenges.

Oh The Hypocrisy: Iranian Islamists Vis-a-Vis '300'


The Iranian government is angry about the depiction of ancient, Zoroastrian Persia in the film “300.” The Greek accounts of the Greco-Persian wars are certainly replete with description of despotic, luxuriating and effeminate Persians, versus tough, freedom-loving European. But, “Herodotus, the most important Greek chronicler of the Persian empire,” writes Christopher de Bellaigue in The New York Review of Books, found “much in the Persians to praise.” So did Reza Shah and son; they hated Arab culture and identified themselves completely with pre-Islamic Persia.

Not so the clerics who came to power after the Islamic revolution in 1979; they endeavored to expunge the Achaemenids, the Sassanids, and Zoroastrianism from Iran’s historical memory. To Islamists, history begins with Mohammad and his exploits; all that went before doesn’t count.

Shortly after the revolution, Islamic mobs in Iran tried to Talibanize Cyrus’s tomb. Persian names were changed to Islamic names, and references to the Achaemenid kings were banned on the state broadcaster. In post-revolutionary Iran, children were no longer named Darius or Cyrus (but Mo and Hussein, like one presidential candidate).

Oh The Hypocrisy: Iranian Islamists Vis-a-Vis ‘300’


The Iranian government is angry about the depiction of ancient, Zoroastrian Persia in the film “300.” The Greek accounts of the Greco-Persian wars are certainly replete with description of despotic, luxuriating and effeminate Persians, versus tough, freedom-loving European. But, “Herodotus, the most important Greek chronicler of the Persian empire,” writes Christopher de Bellaigue in The New York Review of Books, found “much in the Persians to praise.” So did Reza Shah and son; they hated Arab culture and identified themselves completely with pre-Islamic Persia.

Not so the clerics who came to power after the Islamic revolution in 1979; they endeavored to expunge the Achaemenids, the Sassanids, and Zoroastrianism from Iran’s historical memory. To Islamists, history begins with Mohammad and his exploits; all that went before doesn’t count.

Shortly after the revolution, Islamic mobs in Iran tried to Talibanize Cyrus’s tomb. Persian names were changed to Islamic names, and references to the Achaemenid kings were banned on the state broadcaster. In post-revolutionary Iran, children were no longer named Darius or Cyrus (but Mo and Hussein, like one presidential candidate).

Updated: 'Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration'


“…the violent assaults on Jews and their property in Europe, England, and Canada are nourished by an old hatred rooted in the Qur’an and in anti-infidel Islamic laws. Remember, Muslims invented the yellow rag with which the Nazis tagged Jews. The ghetto, “mellah” in Arabic, was a Muslim-devised gated community for the Jews of the Maghrib back in the 15th century. Not for naught did Maimonides, the 12th century Jewish philosopher and physician, write about the Arabs that, “Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase, and hate us as much as they.”

The excerpt is from “Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration,” now on Discuss.

Update: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch tells of an unfortunate Israeli professor, from whom the Australian Jewish community has parted company, because he dared say what I said in “jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration.” Reality these Jews equate with racism.

Paul Gottfried had this to say: “I agree with you entirely but I fear that your warnings will have no effect in bringing around Jewish opinion either here or in Europe. Most Jews, from what I have seen, are social liberals because of an irrational, anachronistic fear of white Christians. At this point their phobia against Western Christians as the main threat to Jewry is both lunatic and suicidal but continues to gain ground, particularly since most Christian intellectuals and journalists, who have been taught to hate their own civilization, share and propagate the same foolishness.