Category Archives: Jihad

Life With Islam And Its Enablers

Europe, Intelligence, Islam, Jihad, Russia, Terrorism

“Life With Islam And Its Enablers” is the current column, now on The Daily Caller. A (short) excerpt:

… Acting individually, Americans are still capable of responding to Jihad by “casting terror into the hearts” of Jihadi believers. Collectively and severally, the British and the Europeans are honing their helplessness.

Certainly when it comes to the agencies entrusted with protecting the people on both sides of the pond, failure is the rule. The response mounted by the people’s protectors across the West is lackluster, to put it charitably.

Be it Paris, Nice, Brussels, or Berlin; Orlando, San Bernardino—the men with mass murder on their minds are Muslim, often with criminal records or with a sudden heightened interest in Islam. That risk factor, Islam, is unacknowledged. Its followers are ignored, seldom stopped, and generally dismissed as misguided by the very intelligence agencies now successfully hobbling President Trump.

Posthumously, Jihadi killers are remembered kindly by a conditioned dhimmi community (ours) and by the complicit community (theirs). Nice guys all.

When these characters come to the attention of the authorities, they’re consistently given a pass for their infractions. Invariably are they interviewed and released, unleashed on innocents, because, somehow, they inspired faith in their inquisitors.

The same interrogators are better disposed to prosecuting patriots for impolite speech against Islam. Dutchman Geert Wilders and France’s Marine Le Pen come to mind. Persecuting another, President Donald Trump, for being too polite to Russia is another preferred pastime of Deep-State operatives, who’ll invariably call-off surveillance of Islamists, as they funnel fungible funds into, say, surveilling Trump Tower.

Following acts of Jihad, suspects slip through European roadblocks with relative ease. Perverse European legislators have instituted procedures that make apprehending and expelling undesirables near impossible. …

… Libertarian Julian Assange called the FBI and offshoots “America’s political police.” Europeans have their “political police.” The English have MI5; it declared Khalid Masood halal, kosher, good to go.

The “political police” is helping its political masters to achieve a goal. If political actions are indicators, then the aim is to acculturate Americans and Europeans to life with Islam. Are politicians working toward this goal reflexively, rather than as a matter of collusion and conspiracy? Is the institutional ineptness documented “helped” by Islamic infiltration into politics and policing? These matters are not easily adjudicated.

What patriots in the West need to know is that life with Islam is life under Islam and its enablers. …

… Read the rest. “Life With Islam And Its Enablers” is now on The Daily Caller.

What’s Islam Been Up To Lately? (4/4/017)

Britain, Crime, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Russia, Terrorism

Without further ado:

When it comes to Islam, Russians are very different to our overlords who art in DC.

Russians are quick to release to the public an image of the alleged suspect in the St. Petersburg subway bombing:

Russian authorities don’t seem to look away:

Chinese and Russians are known to object to the rape of their women. WTF! Didn’t they get the memo?

Meanwhile back in Sweden it’s submission:

Is Trump abandoning his promise to keep the unvettable out?

Neocons and neolibs have generally fought on the side of Islam:

Corporate culture and Islam: for it.

Gen. Mattis loves Islam. The political establishment loves him back:

The Westminster Bridge Attack & the West.

Theresa May, Islamic scholar:

Tommy Robinson: Much better than T. May:

Kill the Jews:

The Dhimma in Dar al Islam elect Muslims:

Die occasionally, for “Our Values,” say our representatives:

Patriots expunged from US Intelligence:

Doh! It’s because we’re free that they hate us! How do I know? “W” said so.

Jihad’s Triumph On Westminster Bridge

Britain, GUNS, Intelligence, Islam, Jihad, libertarianism, The West

“Jihad’s Triumph On Westminster Bridge” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

… The story of Khalid Masood is certainly festooned with the kind of studied failures you find in the tale of American homeboy Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 gay club-goers in Orlando, Florida, wounding 53 others. Mateen might have been a latent homosexual, but he was loud and proud about his orientation as an aspiring Muslim terrorist.

For his part, Masood was a violent criminal with many faces, in-and-out of the Islamized British prison system for inflicting “grievous bodily harm” on his countrymen. At every turn, Masood’s life of crime was met with soft responses. He slashes the face of a café owner in the village of Sussex but receives only two years in jail. A similar, but more severe, offense nets Masood, then Adrien Elms, a brief jail sentence for “the possession of an offensive weapon.”

A penal system that singles out for criminalization and punishment not the deadly assault and the intent behind it, but the possession of a weapon during the commission of said assault, is inviting escalation. (Oh, and once in jail, how about converting this kind of inmate to Christianity? That’s guaranteed to save lives in the future by giving inmates a higher purpose that precludes killing for rewards in the afterlife.)

So it was that Masood journeys from Sussex to Saudi Arabia, like any ordinary English lad would. (Is this now a rite of passage in Britain? BBC News’ correspondent Dominic Casciani seems to think so.) There, he can be found hard at work at the General Authority of Civil Aviation. (Yeah, right!) Then it’s back to East Sussex. With a nicely fattened, fraudulent CV, Masood goes to work for Aaron Chemicals, in Bodiam, a company which, as it appears, hired him despite his criminal record and predisposition to violence.

Speaking of corporate culture, how dangerously politically correct is it? How likely are corporations to put virtue-signaling and politically correct piety ahead of public and worker safety? You be the judge: British security firm G4S employed Omar Mateen, who was out of the closet about his Jihadi sympathies and aspirations. The Swiss security firm Securitas employed Dahir Adan, the Somali, Minnesota mall stabber. Out of all their St. Cloud applicants, Adan seemed like the best bet. …

Read the rest. “Jihad’s Triumph On Westminster Bridge” is now on

UPDATED (10/14): What Has Islam Been Up To Lately (Oct Round-Up.)

Elections, Europe, Feminism, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad

UPDATE (10/14):

Treasonous Dutch courts fight vs. Geert Wilders:

The story here is American government treason. The 9/11 student-visa program continues unabated. On the positive side, only he died.

Voter fraud is all in Trump’s head. Ask Brianna Keilar of CNN (although the story has since morphed. See below. WA mass murderer was a bad immigrant, but legal. We’re safe).

Not quite a Muslim ban, but close:

Trump doesn’t back down about Islam:

Pence made Trump mellow:

But the women fear Trump, not Islam:

Theo van Gogh remembered:

Blonds beware!

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán The Great:

Another attempted ‘murder-by-Muslim immigrant’:

Immigration treason or electoral fraud; it’s much of a muchness: