Comments on: Update IV: Cooking The Books To Make Cuba-Care Come True by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Myron Pauli Thu, 14 May 2009 15:14:18 +0000 Sorry – that $20,000 was THIS YEAR’s contribution – each family went into hock another $20,000 just this year – which is more than the “health care” bill (much of which is lawyers, billing clerks, government oversight, and insurance companies). This country appears to be sliding towards being a nuclear-armed Zimbabwe – and the majority approve! We can never know the medicines not discovered or the lives shortened by regulations and other improvements stifled by subsidizing inefficient industries and counterfeiting paper dollars but the damage is extensive and getting worse. It is all entirely too frightening – and, sadly, the “mainstream” alternative to Obammunism is the Spendaholic Power-
Hungry Torture-Loving Iraq-Invading Cheney and his pals.

By: Robert Glisson Thu, 14 May 2009 14:03:28 +0000 In regard to the public debt, I read one of the Motley Fool or another financial company’s newsletters (in 2008) that stated the public debt was 26K per person and a later edition of their newsletters in February 2009 stating because of the two billion dollar stimulus bills, it was now growing to 36,000 per person. Don’t know how accurate that is though.

By: H Engelbrecht Thu, 14 May 2009 07:12:27 +0000 What you can probably also count on is regulation on the supply side. In SA the government enacted legislation to control the profit on medicinal products to be made by outlets such as pharmacies. The profit margin was fixed by some committee. The rate fixed was initially overturned, but only on a technical point, thereafter it was fixed again. This of course put many smaller pharmacies out of business. You can also not open a pharmacy where ever you want to, you need to show that there is a need in the particular area for such services/products to be delivered.

All of this purportedly is justifiable in an “open and democratic society.”

By: Myron Pauli Thu, 14 May 2009 03:50:16 +0000 (1) Peikoff hit the nail on the head (about doctors – a.k.a.”health care providers” only taking healthy patients, etc.) – the only people with less authority on health care are the patients. (2) Sadly, the $20,000 per family federal debt dwarfs even the health care dollars involved in socialization – so bankruptcy/hyperinflation will be battling socialization. (3) Another real worry is that in order to control health care costs, the Obammunists will issue new health decrees like banning Twinkies, taxing “junk foods”, mandatory exercise, or other intrusions on personal liberty.

[That $20,000 figure sounds too low to be true, M.]

By: Van Wijk Wed, 13 May 2009 20:35:47 +0000 Regarding Miss Prejean, she recently defended herself by invoking the good name of her grandfather, who fought at the Battle of the Bulge.

I think we’ve found a new logical fallacy: the appeal to the veteran. Argumentum ad militis (argument to the soldier) or perhaps Argumentum ad pedes (argument to the infantry).

If someone knows the Latin word for “veteran,” that would be even better.

[Brilliant, as usual.]

By: Roy Bleckert Wed, 13 May 2009 00:02:42 +0000 The problem is they can not make it free for everyone, they can only make it free to some people, somewhere down the line someone has to pay for it. But they sell it on the perception that it will be free health care for all.The average person does not want to hear anything negative on the subject after that . That is what Barry and the ruling elite are banking on to sell socialized health care to the gullible american people, hey it worked for Romney and Arnold, Barry the Bolshevick should be able to pull this off with no problem.

By: Steve Hogan Tue, 12 May 2009 18:57:02 +0000 This isn’t hard to figure out. When they make stuff “free,” demand will far outstrip supply. If prices are fixed, rationing and long lines are unavoidable.

Are Americans stupid enough to believe better coordination among central planners is going to overcome the laws of economics? Evidently.

When the bureaucrats take over health care, it will behoove you to stay healthy.

By: Myron Pauli Tue, 12 May 2009 13:35:17 +0000 Actually, the Obammunists MIGHT allow some private health care to co-exist for a few reasons: (1) If the policies screw up, the alternative care provides a political safety valve and Obama is a cautious “centrist” socialist-politician, (2) Obama’s Sidwell Friends, Hollywood, and Goldman Sachs buddies probably want REAL health care and not the “public” type (3) wealthy people paying for health care relieves some of the financial burden on the system, and (4) Obama can claim that he is not wrecking free enterprise (just slowly strangling it and sucking its blood out!).

By: Myron Pauli Tue, 12 May 2009 13:25:20 +0000 Soon to come – discount fares to Greenland (or Bahamas or Belize …??) for private health care.

By: JP Strauss Tue, 12 May 2009 07:03:13 +0000 Christopher Barnard, a South African, performed the first ever heart transplant at the prestigious Groote Schuur Hospital in the 1960’s. Today, no one wants to work there and the sheer volume of patients makes for lines like you apparantly only get to witness at the DMV., . All the while the hospital has to beg for money from a spiteful government that has chosen to cut the number of beds available. It is only a matter of time for you.
