UPDATED: Derb Is Right: ‘We Are Doomed’ (More Gloom)

Barack Obama,Bush,Conservatism,Debt,Democrats,Fascism,Homeland Security,Liberty,Paleoconservatism,Political Economy,Republicans,The State


The following excerpt is from “Derb Is Right: ‘We Are Doomed,” my new WND.COM column:

“Last week, this column explained the divide between Americans and their ‘Overlords Who Art in D.C.’ I asked that you quit invoking words too weak to describe that divide. ‘Disconnect,’ ‘disrespect’: These are soft designations; they don’t begin to bridge the moat that separates you from your sovereigns.

Proper metaphors for the relationship between The Great Unwashed and the government that literally has them by the genitals is that of ruled and ruler, Rome and its provinces, Imperial China and its peasants.

If you’re a tax payer — at least 50 percent of Americans are tax consumers — you are the Beltway’s bitch.

So stop beseeching sinecured statists for ‘hope’ and ‘change.’ They will never know what it’s like to slum it in your neighborhoods. They’ll never experience the effects of inflation and rising prices as you will; they’ve voted themselves salaries twice as high as yours and pensions in perpetuity. You’re paying.

Think of yourself as a servant, your nose pressed against your master’s mansion windows. That’s how I felt as I drove through the suburbs of Northern Virginia, in October of this year. I saw what Peggy Noonan lushly described in her Wall Street Journal column, excerpted by John Derbyshire in his full and fair assessment of the tottering American experiment, We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism

The complete column is “Derb Is Right: ‘We Are Doomed,” now on WND.COM.

Avail yourself of my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society, on Kindle.

Merry Xmas to all,

UPDATE (Dec. 25): “IT’S GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME” (as the Beatles lyrics go). The Powers that Be thought “Claire Hirschkind, 56, who says she is a rape victim” (and also happens to have “the equivalent of a pacemaker”), needed a reminder of her ordeal.

Hirschkind said because of the device in her body, she was led to a female TSA employee and three Austin police officers. She says she was told she was going to be patted down.
“I turned to the police officer and said, ‘I have given no due cause to give up my constitutional rights. You can wand me,'” and they said, ‘No, you have to do this,'” she said.
Hirschkind agreed to the pat down, but on one condition.
“I told them, ‘No, I’m not going to have my breasts felt,’ and she said, ‘Yes, you are,'” said Hirschkind.
When Hirschkind refused, she says that “the police actually pushed me to the floor, (and) handcuffed me. I was crying by then. They drug me 25 yards across the floor in front of the whole security.”
An ABIA spokesman says it is TSA policy that anyone activating a security alarm has two options. One is to opt out and not fly, and the other option is to subject themselves to an enhanced pat down. Hirschkind refused both and was arrested.

Hey, what do you know: A noisy, irate, flying public has changed the behavior of their sovereigns not a whit. Who would have thunk? (See “Derb Is Right: ‘We Are Doomed.”)

And what do memebers of the sheep herd say about a middle aged, ill American lady being mauled by rabid TSA dogs?

“I understand her side of it, and their side as well, but it is for our protection so I have no problems with it,” said Gwen Washington, who lives in Killeen.

It matters not a bit that “less than three percent of travelers get a pat-down.” This practice is a matter of policy, not happenstance. Theoretically, everyone could be molested, very many are. No freedom loving individual should be consoled by the repulsive, “rare-occurrence” excuse.

11 thoughts on “UPDATED: Derb Is Right: ‘We Are Doomed’ (More Gloom)

  1. Sid Krimsky

    So what can we do about the “omnipotent pharaonic priest-king?” Can we stop or reverse the path to “doomdom” or do we have to watch our country slowely being eaten away? Have you any remedies?

  2. Sid Krimsky

    What can we do about the “omnipotent pharaonic priest-king?” Have you any remedies to avoid the inevitable “doom” to which we are headed? Minnesota elected a Muslem to the House of Representatives who now tells us that we are responsible for the world’s problems through economic coarcion.

  3. Myron Pauli

    An essential ingredient of the statist flim-flam is to blur the lines between the private and the public. The Wall Street Bailouts are excellent examples but so are Health Savings Accounts, Educational IRA’s, 401k’s and all the ways that government now “manages” our personal finances. The revolving door between the Government and Contractors is another one. And, best of all, nearly all taxation is hidden: withholding taxes, employer-share taxes, excise taxes built into prices, inflation, deficits, corporate taxes – so that most taxpayers just sign some Turbo Tax electronic statement and settle a small amount every April 15.

    But how could we have our FREEDOMS unless American troops are stomping around in 100+ nations (are the Finns and Swiss slaves because they don’t maintain an empire?)?

    How can we be SAFE unless the TSA fondles our privates? Even now on city buses!

    How can we THINK without the government running a Department of Education?

    How can we LIVE without government taking care of our sick and elderly?

    Most Americans gladly accept this statist thinking while nitpicking side issues such as Lesbian Colonels or a Bridge to Nowhere. WE ARE DOOMED while “the people” (Booboisie) semi-annually award statist hoodlums with votes.

  4. Bill Scantlen

    As Sarah Palin once stated, “don’t party like it’s 1773” which many in the news media jumped her frame thinking she meant 1776.
    Well, it’s time to party like it’s 1776.


  5. JJinCO

    We are not doomed. We can appeal to Americans common sense and desire for unity:

    We only have two political parties. One party uses the power of government for good. The other party uses the power of government for evil. The problem is that Americans are nearly divided on which party is which. As a result, taking the power of government from one party and giving it to the other does not heal the division.

    In order to bring us together, members of both parties, and independents who must ally with one party or another during an election, should come together to limit the power of government. In exchange for reducing the good one party might accomplish when in control of government, it would limit the evil the opposition party could accomplish when they control government.

    It is government that is dividing us, not by race or creed or color or national origin or even by income, but by those enriched by government and those saddled by it. Only fixing government can bring us back together again.

  6. Myron Pauli

    “One party uses the power of government for good” – GAG ALERT!!!!

    I just lifted this list of Republican Overlord obscenities from one of my earlier posts:

    “Like the Republicans who passed the American Dream Downpayment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Departments of HEW / Homeland Security / Veterans Affairs, Undeclared Wars in Panama / Afghanistan / Iraq / Somalia / Lebanon / Grenada / Cambodia, DEA, OSHA, EPA, TSA, DNI, Wage & Price Controls, Interstate Highway System, 21-year-old national drinking age, TARP, Prescription Drug Benefit, Auto Bailout, Auto Import Quotas, Immigration Act of 1990, Leave No Child Behind, Affirmative Action “Philadelphia Plan”, Patriot Act, Social Security Disability, Federal Aid to Education, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, 1986 Immigration Amnesty, Faith-based Initiatives – all during my lifetime.”

    Good Pharaoh Bush vs. Bad Pharaoh Obama – I prefer this week’s Torah portion Shemoth – Exodus 1:11 “So they appointed over them tax collectors to afflict them with their burdens, and they built store cities for Pharaoh”


    We’ll need a deity with signs and wonders to escape from our own Mitzrayim (the American Leviathan – the modern Egypt) and our modern


    Burning Bush instead of George Bush!

  7. dbwelch

    ms mercer;

    regarding your article concerning derb and northern virginia. i cannot remember ever reading you in such a negative mood. i am not saying i disagree, just that it isn’t your normal presentation.

    that scares me ’cause you’re always on target. i am 62 and it’s hard to get all bubbly and confidant when considering the short term future of our once great nation. “no borders will be needed” indeed.

    the demographics of those who would transform the usa into a socialist basket of rotting apples is almost too frightening to analyze and certainly most conservatives, regardless of their “level” of conservative belief, are not just afraid but loath to confront the truth.

    Churchill would not approve. of course, in this world, there are no churchills to lead, just chamberlains to follow.

  8. Stephen W. Browne

    Fear not, relief is at hand.

    Sooner or later “no-name nukes” will be loose in the world, and while we won’t be certain where they’re coming from, we can be certain where they’re going – inside the Beltway to be sure.

    I shall miss the Smithsonian, surely one of the ornaments of our culture.

    And the irony is that an enemy that intends us harm will do us immeasurable good!

    BTW, during a three-month stay in D.C. three years ago, I brought up this scenario many times. Not once did anyone call me crazy, nor even disagree.

    Pardon, one man at the National Press Club did disagree, on timing. I cautiously said, “within this century.”

    He demurred, “Within this decade.”

  9. Mark Humphrey

    True, we’re doomed, which is not happy news.

    But there is a bright side: they’re doomed too, but they haven’t figured this out. The lavish lives of the Beltway Select depends, as you’ve pointed out, on the copious flow of Other People’s Money. But the well is running dry.

    Before long, wholesale theft and capital destruction wrought by the Wreckers will complicate life for everyone, including courtiers, lords and ladies. Along the way, printing money will stoke the fire of great inflation, or a huge financial accident will precipitate uncontrolled monetary deflation. Trouble and hardship will be intensified by some unpredictable extraneous calamity–perhaps the onset of mini-Ice Age or terrible terrorist attacks. Trouble always arrives in waves.

    Self reliant and productive people can survive the bitter times ahead. Trend followers and tax takers will discover the limits of their abilities.

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