Comments on: Updated: Doctor Distribution by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Myron Pauli Tue, 28 Jul 2009 05:13:49 +0000 Robert & M.B. Moon – There is a reason that the so-called rich have to pay the taxes – namely that government is spending 6 – 7 trillion bucks and there are 300 million Americans so that comes out to $20,000 per American. Which is why the Republicans are completely full of it. Democrats at least, while wrong, have a slight edge in the honesty department.

Anyway, the money for my colonoscopy, the F-22’s, Warren Buffett’s Social Security, ADM’s ethanol subsidies, Mahmoud Abbas’ Swiss Bank Account, slum housing in Chicago, and yogurt confiscating TSA goons, etc. all has to come from someone and the waitresses and grocery baggers don’t have enough to pay for our Leviathan state.
EITHER SLAY THE BEAST (cut government) or fork over the taxes!

[With the unfunded liabilities, each American owes $184,000.]

By: M. B. Moon Tue, 28 Jul 2009 02:46:21 +0000 “I don’t buy the Robin Hood theory of taxation.” Robert

Neither do I. What I hate even more is stealing and oppressing the poor via a government backed cartel of bankers. The whole nation, with only a few exceptions, has made looting and controlling others by government proxy their passion. The government is quite happy to have such a central role in every aspect of our lives.

By: Robert Glisson Mon, 27 Jul 2009 17:49:00 +0000 Whoa: Let’s get back to the subject. First off, it don’t matter how the upper middle class got their money. Maybe they robbed banks instead of managing them, or sold motorcycles, who cares, I’m not their judge. What is important is that one tax bracket is going to be tapped to pay for the so called national interest and that is not fair. I don’t buy the Robin Hood theory of taxation.

By: JP Strauss Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:43:15 +0000 You think YOU’ve got it bad? South African is adopting an almost identical policy and we’re also expecting to support around 40 million “poor” (read black), we are only 5 million economically active individuals. Therefore ours is bigger than yours for once. [Thanks for this important reminded; I make the exact point in my new book.]

But I’d like to redirect your attention to something more worrying: It seems that your government will be able to keep very close tabs on everyone who will be contributing to Obamacare. They will know to the dollar how much you earn, what you spend it on, who you owe how much to, probably even what you had for breakfast.

By: Myron Pauli Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:32:32 +0000 A little bit of religious insight from prophet Isaiah in this weeks Bible (Haftorah) portion for the lamentation right before the Jewish mourning day of Tisha B’ Av (destruction of the Temple, exile from Spain…):

Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 23:

“Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves;
they all love bribes and chase after gifts.”

Or as the French say, plus ca change, c’est le meme chose (the more things change, the more they remain the same!).

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 26 Jul 2009 22:53:42 +0000 “but, at times, the Fed issue becomes a blanket charge. ” Ilana

Well, the banksters have designed their system to distribute the corruption widely. Fractional reserve banking benefits the banks, of course, (8000+ of those?) plus all borrowers including entrepreneurs at the expense of all dollar holders including the POOR. The system is cleverly designed so that most of us are either victims, victimizers, or both.

For those who take (or should take) the Torah seriously, the Lord takes a dim view of theft and oppression of the poor.

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 26 Jul 2009 22:15:44 +0000 “The rich, middle-class entrepreneur: that’s who Obama is looking to filch without flinching.” Ilana

Yes, dear. It is the deserving rich who are the target.

Hey Obama,
Let’s forget progressive income taxes, let’s have progressive WEALTH (property) taxes. Game? Consider it a retroactive, cumulative income tax if you wish. Any wealth accumulated before 1913 to be exempt.

By: Steve Hogan Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:18:17 +0000 Ah, the joys of democracy (read: mob rule)! Convince 51% of the rubes that they can get something for nothing, and our elites can ram just about anything down our throats. The health care monstrosity is only the latest example.

Not content with ruining our own country with one democratic outrage after another, we are being forced to fund overseas democracy-building projects too. Why are we borrowing trillions to institute democracy in the Middle East at gunpoint, when it should be obvious to all that this system of government is destroying our own country at breakneck speed?

I’ve had more than enough democracy to last a lifetime. It’s past time to call this experiment the abysmal failure that it is and return to the limited government constitutional republic that we once had. It would mean a vastly smaller government and an end to the American empire, but that’s the price of living in a free society.

By: Myron Pauli Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:55:47 +0000 There is not a specific power under Article 1 Section 8 to support the general welfare – just that revenues and laws should be done for the population as a whole as opposed to proprietors, aristocrats, or a particular group or faction as was done in colonial times.

If the government confined itself to Article 1 Section 8 powers and avoided stationing troops all over the planet, the level of government spending would be so small as to make the debate (on WHOM too tax) moot. Naturally, with a 4 TERABUCK federal government (and the states make it around 40% of GDP), one has to either borrow, print, and tax at astronomical rates. Consequently, the “rich” have to pay the bloated taxes because, as Willie Sutton once said, that’s where the money is.

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:53:01 +0000 Well, if it was not for the fact that many of the rich got that way via the government backed banking cartel, i would have sympathy for them. But frankly, I despise them for their lack of scruples with regard to how they got wealthy. They looted the poor and middle class via the government. Now they will be looted by government and they complain?

How about we all quit looting via the government? Eh?

Bankers first, then maybe we can grow out of this mess in an honest and stable manner.
