Dominator Barney Cracks The Whip



The excerpt is from “Dominator Barney Cracks The Whip,” my latest column:

“… A.I.G. chose the dishonorable way out, preferring to make a living via a political, predatory process. In exchange for billions bilked from taxpayers, the employees welcomed the opportunity to report to career civil servants instead of to shareholders. …

… That means that Frank and Friends get to crack the whip—and extend their reach into the company’s every operational nook and cranny, terrorizing corporate tools in the process. …

This is the natural progression of financial fascism. It eventually ends in full nationalization. Let those who partake in this system suffocate in its deadly embrace. …

On a positive note: Some creative destruction may be at work. Companies and their CEOs will learn the hard way that it is better to accept bankruptcy, and search for gainful employment, than become Barney’s bitches.”

Read the complete column, “Dominator Barney Cracks The Whip,” on

9 thoughts on “Dominator Barney Cracks The Whip

  1. brian

    Dear I:

    is there an explanation why Barney Frank has escaped responsibility and even criticism for protecting the federally mandated program of mortgages issued to no-income, no down payment applicants for derelict houses in depressed areas having little incentive as well to keep their mortgage payments current in addition to purchasing these rundown buildings as investments to turn and flip [like n late-nite TV] to new sellers in order to get rich quick — a certain recipe for default and foreclosure?
    these properties were un-flippable as they were in dire need of substantial repairs and lacked the tenancies projected to sustain the monthly mortgage payments.
    are certain colleagues of his reluctant to call attention to Frank’s [and Dodd’s] role in this due to the knowledge bank Frank holds on their personal activities?

    how on earth is he free as a bird on this disaster?

    i’d like to see a report that delineates his role since 1999.

    thank you.

  2. Ira Newborn

    Just in case you were wondering why I don’t post more, it’s because I agree with you 98% of the time.
    So what should I post? How witty you are? How sharp you are? How great looking you are? I’m sure you’re tired of hearing that.
    The other 2% is probably about Aaron, some aspects of Libertarianism and music, about which you don’t wan’t to listen.
    “A cow is born!” you kill me!

    [You have to post: only people of OUR age group would know why “A Cow Is Born” is funny. You gotta keep the culture going.]

  3. Richard

    ‘A cow is born’, don’t get it. Is it because I is a Brit?

    [Wicked. I is black too, like Ali G. I’ll leave the answer to someone else… Maybe Ira.]

  4. Don

    WOW! Truthful, incisive, and courageous. You have described the looting of America in one short essay. It has been thus for a very long time. It is time for people to wake up before they are completely enslaved. Or has it already happened? And how much did Resco, the so-called “slum lord” of Chicago, profit from the incredibly destructive orders to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, to use welfare payments as proof of “qualification” for sub-prime mortgages? It was government orders that destroyed them, and now we expect those same high paid incompetents to bail them out? How do you sort through a septic pool like that without a HEPA biohazard suit?

  5. John Danforth

    Delightful turns of phrase as always, Ilana.

    Too bad the fracas is being used as cover for the press to blithely ignore another cool one trillion dollars being printed and spent by the Fed, while the airwaves are blanketed with all the bravado and bluster of these hypocrites.

    Too, the occasion seems to be well suited to get the people acclimated to the idea that a Bill of Attainder can be a handy tool to be used for reigning in ‘Greed’.

  6. Myron Pauli

    There is no justification for any “government” to rob from Peter to pay Paul, regardless of how “deserving” or “undeserving” the recipient is. The hypocritical Bailoutrage over the AIG bonuses highlights the ignorance of the sheeple when there was little outrage over taxing me for the benefit of the wealthy widows of the 9/11/01 World Trade Tower bondtraders although my wife was equally dead on 8/28/01. It reminds me of the Alfred P. Doolittle speech about the “undeserving poor” from Pygmalion (see,96109eb9b78a36c103e9.html -). AIG had no business hustling phony “insurance” on these collateralized debt swaps and those who bought that garbage have ZERO right to confiscate others’ property in order to be bailed out. Considering that many Americans have had their financial holdings drop 50% or more, it is obscene that they further be taxed to pay off AIG “insurance” holdings at 100% on the dollar. Governments are authorized to PROTECT the rights to property, NOT steal property via taxation and currency debasement whether the recipient is AIG, Swiss Banks, Chrysler workers, Nadya Suleman…. – the Bailoutraged hypocrites of the Republican and Democratic parties are merely “shocked shocked” to find gambling in the casino and sex in the brothel.

  7. Myron Pauli

    To John Danforth: Yes, the new surtax is BOTH a bill of attainder as well as an ex-post facto law. It would be against the US Constitution but then if we followed the Constitution, no money would have been given to AIG or the insurance holders in the first place. We are SO FAR REMOVED from the Constitution that it might be impossible to find a single piece of 2009 legislation or executive decree that actually conforms to the letter and spirit of that long deceased document. I challenge someone to find an example!

  8. gunjam

    Ms Mercer: Great research: $93.09 Mill a year to the House and Senate members’ for all their hard work(sic) — that is not a figure one normally hears bandied about. To make it more infuriating, numerous members of the Senate — and some in the House — are VERY wealthy and could EASILY afford to work for free. Here are only SOME of the wealthy Congress-Critters: Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, Pelosi. By the way: Do you ever blog for repeal of the 17th Amendment (that guarantees the Senate will basically be a House of Lords?).

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