Gangsta Gifts

Barack Obama,Britain,Etiquette,Music


The excerpt is from “Gangsta Gifts,” now on

“Hip” is how rapt reporters referred to the iPod the president and first lady gave the Queen of England. Thanks to his fawning friends in the British and American media, Barack Obama got away with giving another foreign dignitary a vulgar gift.

Shades of the reality show “Cribs”…

The MTV series features hip-hop rappers, and other American royalty, showing off their incredibly gaudy homes, CD, DVD, and iPod collections. (If there are any books in the house, these are well hidden.) They then send the loving camera crew packing.

The Obama iPod was no ordinary “small portable digital audio player capable of storing thousands of tracks in a variety of formats, including MP3.” As any teenager would for his crush, the tacky pair had personalized the thing. How do you customize an iPod for an 82-year-old monarch? …

Commensurate with the president’s signal solipsism, you make sure that there are plenty of images and audio from his inaugural and DNC addresses. … ”

The complete column, “Gangsta Gifts,” can be read now on

14 thoughts on “Gangsta Gifts

  1. joel Z

    Two words came to mind about the president and wife after reading your most enlightening contribution to WND; Low Rent.

  2. Sage

    That’s exactly right, Joel. Tacky, low rent, and otherwise products of a cheap and debased subculture which despises anything of enduring value.

  3. Sage

    An excellent column, by the way. I have been so embarrassed by this self-regarding, classless hustler that I wonder whether America is really so far behind Europe in its civil decadence, if we are behind it at all.

    Note by contrast his obsequious performance before the loathsome royalty of Saudi Arabia. There is a lot to this notion of the Obamas’ utter alienation from the West and its institutions, which they seek to control only for the sake of annihilating them utterly.

  4. Fred Cummins

    Hi Gorgeous

    You are right on as always. The Obamas are ghetto but they are not stupid.They know what they are doing, as is evident from the deep bow to the Saudi royal [Bush held the king’s hand; what was that a sign of?]. If people do not see that he is an Anti-American and anti-mainstream America by now they never will. They will never admit to the concentration camps that are springing up even when some of their kin are thrown in them. This is a dangerous time for America and he is a dangerous man. [As was Bush; did he not jail brave Americans–border patrolmen, for example?]

    If you have not looked into moving to another country, better start. This couple is going to make it very dangerous for mainstream America to live here. If you are like me and have no intention of allowing this lout and his gangs to take our country, then hit the range. Start handling that weapon every day and become comfortable with it. If you have the money, go to Front Sight school now.

    Obama’s plans are will be filled with white casualties. His youth corp will soon be turning in their kin. No one wants to go to the bottom line yet but it is obvious and clear down on the low streets of America. Prison are abuzz with the black takeover that is coming and they are gleeful because they know they will be released when needed. I know these things because I am in contact with some that have recently served time and only escaped with their scared lives.

    Keep up the good reporting work, doll, but seriously consider that the Constitution nor the authorities will protect you.

    [Bush was no better.]

  5. Fred Cummins

    I cannot imagine what the hand holding deal was other than he likes pink.You will not find me defending the Bush’s. The only difference is Bush would use the Military industrialist and the Mexicans to gain power and Obama will use the Greeners and the Blacks. Either way we “white bigots” who want to live free in the country that we built are going to have to make the statement that “freedom is not free” a living statement. I despise Bush as I loathe Obama.

  6. Ira Newborn

    Dear I,
    Amazingly enough, I also gave Queen Elizabeth an iPod, only instead of show music and Beyonce crotch videos I gave her some Swingle Singer interpretations of the indestructible J.S.Bach and “Before” (Bar Mitzva) and “After” (LSD) photos of yours truly.
    Solipsistically yours,


  7. Doghouse

    The behavior of Barry and the Ferengi woman (seriously, she looks exactly like a Ferengi!) is getting so ridiculous that I have a hard time believing that it’s not some strange parody. I’m astonished at how sheltered and ignorant they seem.

    Now, if they had given the queen an iPod with the Symphony X collection and Kamelot’s “One Cold Winter’s Night” live DVD on it, however, I would have been impressed. 🙂 [DITTO! But make that “March of Mephisto” and “The Haunting.” The live version as good as the studio recording. Simone Simons sheer class, talent, and beauty. Sorry; I got carried away.]

  8. A

    Wow, I have never seen such a shameful display of bigotry. Lay off the Obama’s, please.

  9. David Tatosian

    The Brits were probably the only ones taken aback at the Hussein’s inappropriate and shallow gift dumped on their Queen.
    (shrug) Coulda been worse.
    Speaking of worse: you have no doubt seen the vainglorious one’s inept TIMES NOW: PM is a wonderful man youtube video! making the rounds.
    Well, I stumbled across a 37-minute video press conference on an Obama groupie site that is absolutely hilarious. It’s got it all; the stammering, the uhhhs, the aimless wanderings and self-referential crap…priceless.
    Go for the marginal one’s video, stay for the shameful displays of bigotry brought to you by jack&
    Happy weekend.

  10. Martin Berrow

    Gangsta gifts was a great title for the article. Obamas actions are so repulsive that it has a numbing effect on normal people. That is what happens to people when they are subjected to ridiculous phony actions over and over.Martin Berrow

  11. Doghouse

    >But make that “March of Mephisto” and “The Haunting.”

    Oh, let’s just go ahead and put everything they’ve ever done on it, live and studio!

    I’m glad Kamelot filmed a show with Simone. That was kind of the icing on a grand and glorious cake. [Not sure why SS isn’t a permanent feature of the band; maybe the wife of the guitarist, who does backing vocals, is jealous… SS is a major talent, and so fresh, unlike the many hos we have to stomach here. The lovely thing about Kamelot is their romantic, clean depiction of women.]

    Wait…what was this thread about? Oh, yeah. BO and the Ferengi.

    >shameful display of bigotry

    Okay, I’ll admit it. I am heavily biased against empty-suit collectivist thugs who don’t have an ounce of class, refinement, dignity, common sense, or integrity.

  12. Anonymous


    If this thread is the most shameful display of bigotry you’ve ever seen, then you are 1) extremely sheltered, and 2) completely unaware of what actual bigotry is. Why people should “lay off” the Obamas while they persist in doing stupid and embarrassing things is something you’ll need to expand on.

  13. Andrew T.

    iPods are good, but overpriced. You could just buy an mp3 player half the price of an iPod Nano that does everything Apple’s machine does. The Creative Zen, for example. I’m frankly concerned about the type of personality that would buy their technology, clothes, or anything else on hipness/brand recognition alone, especially if they’re voting.

    I suspect that Michelle Obama knew perfectly well that hugging the British Monarch is a huge faux pas…I smell publicity stunt. She’s trying to tell “the World” that the English customs pertaining to such things don’t even matter, where all social customs and are eroded, replaced by vapid bromides to political correctness, modernity, and progress.

    For his meeting with the French leader, I noticed the commentary on their choice of fashion. Both wives seemed well-dressed, decently traditional yet modern (CNN missed no opportunity to somehow report this in a feminist bias). Obama was dressed well as usual, but I think he actually has people that inform him on what’s the best sartorial option, and it isn’t exactly his own taste coming through. Sarkozy: Eurotrash.

  14. Andrew T.

    “The Haunting” was one of the best music videos I think I’ve ever seen. It was musically magnificent, unlike most gothic metal, which is nothing but overdone stereotype soup.

    Ever heard of the Cruxshadows, Ilana?

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