He’s A Talking Doll



“Amazing Obama” is a talking doll, whose string you have to pull every so often if you want him to work. Like “Amazing Ally,” another “interactive talking doll,” he can “recognize various objects,” and has “an internal talking mechanism that can store countless phrases.” “Amazing Obama” even has voice recognition technology that allows him to recognize the voice of “Mama Obama.” (Although she frightens him into having a … real accident.) “It’s hard to say where new (and cheaper) technologies will take talking dolls in the future, but wherever they go,” they will come with strings attached and teleprompters, of course.

3 thoughts on “He’s A Talking Doll

  1. Myron Pauli

    Messiah minus Telepromter equals Gerald (ummm duhhh huhhh) Ford. (Except Ford had the good sense to stay out of trouble and veto Congressional spending.)

  2. Andrew T.

    I hope the news media replays this as many times as possible (though something tells me CNN would rather not…).

    Barack Obama…all presentation and no substance? Who knew? Well, we sure did.

  3. John Danforth

    Awww, have a heart! I babble too, whenever I have a … real accident.

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