High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd



“High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd” is the current column, now of The Daily Caller. An excerpt:

“More than 100 companies, including most of high-tech’s biggest names,” have threatened to “move jobs outside the United States,” unless they get their way.

What do they want? They want President Trump to give up on “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” the POTUS’s Executive Order, currently being refined to withstand legal challenges from these and related special interests.

Where will America’s “tech titans” go? Presumably to the banned countries, without whose high-tech talent our companies cannot do business. Or, so their antics imply. Washington State, which led the charge against President Trump’s “travel ban” on Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Libya and Iran is home to some of these powerful, high-tech traitors.

Why the strong language?

I’ve yet to hear of a single coveted Syrian, Yemeni, Somali, Sudanese, Iraqi and Libyan needed right away in Redmond for his exceptional, technical know-how. (I know of one highly productive, much older Afghani. He acquired his degree under … Russian occupation and has been in the US for decades.)

The only case tech traitors can reasonably make for Muslim high-tech talent, invisible to the naked eye, are the Iranians. They’re well-represented in our state’s tech sector as top talent. In adding Iran to the travel ban, President Trump is clearly appeasing the neoconservative snakes slithering around his administration. They’re fixing for a fight with Iran, stupidly collapsing the distinction between the Iranian State (sponsor of terrorism), and the Iranian people (who’re not the reason the Eiffel Tower is being walled-off by bullet-proof glass).

Were our tech execs remotely honest, they’d make the case for their Iranian talent. No more.

Don’t pretend you’ll relocate in order to employ Syrians, Yemenis, Somalis, Sudanese, Iraqis and Libyans to fabricate your (stunning) Surface Pro 4 Tablets. For their importation, American taxpayers will be the ones to foot the bill in blood and treasure. Allow the president to protect America from what is a generally an unproductive, atavistic, immigrant cohort.

Oh, and if I hear more indignant hyperbole about Steve Jobs’ illustrious Syrian lineage, I’ll hit the roof. Apple’s founder  was not raised by his Syrian biological father, who deserted him. (Like members of the men-only refugee club, whose members left their women, children and elderly behind to … the sentence is yours to complete.) …

…  The truth is that tech traitors are true believers, radical leftists; social justice warriors, vested in the engineering of tribalism (“multiculturalism”) and racial favoritism (“affirmative action”) in the workplace. …

… READ THE REST.  “High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd” is now on The Daily Caller.