Make community college “free.” “[T]here’s something deeply wrong’ about students and their families needing to go into debt to finance a college education.” Those were Hillary Clinton’s strokes of genius, proposed during her first meet-and-greet, mainly with members of the press, on the campaign trail, in MONTICELLO, Iowa.
Didn’t we have The Same Talk, back in April of 2012, about America’s next financial bubble in search of a pin: the $1 trillion student-loan debt? Campaigning in Iowa, where Mrs. Clinton was today, didn’t B. H. Obama promise America’s miseducated Millennials to keep the student-loan bubble from bursting?
Earlier that year, during his State of the Union address of January 2012, Barry Soetoro Frankenstein vowed to keep the student-loan bubble afloat by mandating more loans at fixed prices.
Watch media react with wonderment at Hillary’s “fresh” robbery plans.
On the other hand, a message about the immorality of undertaking more debt than one can afford is a message that has not been tried before.