It’s good to hear of the intensive search U.S. forces in Iraq are conducting for two missing American soldiers, “Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras.” The men are rumored to have been captured by insurgents.
“One of the most disgraceful displays of indifference to the sanctity of American life in Iraq occurred when insurgents captured Private First Class Keith Maupin in April, 2004. I had counted on being flooded with Breaking News about our military’s tireless efforts to retrieve him.
I was wrong.
I became obsessed with Maupin’s helpless young face. I couldn’t stop thinking about how frightened he must have been once he realized no one was bargaining for his life or coming to rescue him. In vain I turned to television and the Internet for news of him. But the media, taking its cues from the Bushies and the American people, let the leads grow cold. The next I heard, Maupin had been executed by his captors. This was in late June.”
Has there been a learning curve?