Israelis Confound Bush Babes



Israelis have a different attitude to their leaders than do Americans. No sooner had our local war harpies lined up to can-can for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, than the Israeli people were calling for his canning. How embarrassing!

Here Gideon Levy complains that his countrymen’s complaints against the Lebanon war and its prosecutors are not sufficiently principled. They’re already at the stage of critiquing the critiques. Kudos!

Back here at home, Bush’s Stepford Wives (new ones have cropped up since that was written) continue to stand by their man, leveling that childish accusation — “Bush hater,” or traitor — at anyone who dares to suggest the king’s in the mental buff.

On a less optimistic note: Israel says it may have to take on Iran alone. Now there’s an idea: After the Israeli Defense Forces defeated Hezbollah with such ease (not!), why not take on those responsible for training that remarkably capable terrorist organization?

5 thoughts on “Israelis Confound Bush Babes

  1. james huggins

    Israel take on Iran? Probably not a good idea, for many reasons. The US take on Iran? Probably not a good idea, for just as many reasons. The UN is a joke. They aren’t the answer. Gee. it sounds to me like Iran is invincible. It’s obvious that nobody in the world can handle the Iranian/Hezbollah juggernaut. Maybe we should just sit tight and wait for them to blow up the world for Allah.

  2. Edward

    Before you mock Israeli power, ask yourself how much money you give to Israel every year. [Not by choice. More on aid and Israel–I’m against–here and here]

  3. Paul Edmondson

    If America had the chance to eliminate Hitler in ’39, we would have saved millions of lives.
    History now repeats itself. Iran mirrors Hitler’s hopes, (substitute Islam for Aryian race) and we sit wondering what to do!

  4. kalmen Shiloh

    Hmm..maybe we ought to let the Sunnis take on Iran et al. They seem to be better at killing Shiite warmongers and terrorists than we or the Israelis. [I thought Saddam did just that.]

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