Letter of the Week: Security 101



[Chuck, who works in law enforcement, has sent this to BAB. Please note that the ideas expressed by writers on the forum are not necessarily endorsed by BAB. —ILANA]: Our author, Ilana Mercer, alerts all Americans to the impending doom that is awaiting us all, right around the corner. This is America’s last opportunity to change course. Ilana, a self-identified classical liberal writer, has a solid grasp of common sense logic as it applies to Security 101. Why is it then that our nation’s commander-in-chief, George Bush, is so constantly AWOL, and without a clue, on our sovereign nation’s security. America’s borders, language, and culture are all being slowly, but surely, eroded at an accelerated pace, while George Bush brushes up on his espanol. George Bush is determined to protect us from his ‘radical Islam’—in reality it is simply Islam—but there would be no need to go to other countries and make them more peaceful and tolerant if he would simply enforce a stringent and iron-clad immigration policy !! Some may feel that George Bush has left America’s doors dangerously wide open… How would you describe a neighbor if he were to not only to leave his front, back and garage doors wide open, but then profile for and invite bloods, crips, ms13, la razas, and reconquistas to come and have a Tupperware party in your living room. In George Bush’s mind, that neighbor would simply be a compassionate conservative, not an irresponsible idiot who has relinquished any right to serve as protector of his charges. I believe that George Bush and all sanctuary cities are guilty of treason and sedition. George Bush has and continues to violate his oath to protect our sovereign nation. I believe, as does Patrick Buchanan, one of our greatest patriots of modern times, that George Bush should be impeached for the inactions in honoring his oath and the complicity of maintaining open borders, and the destruction of our American social fabric. [Well, you’re giving him too much credit; public schools, universities, and media have helped a lot in expunging American literature, history, and founding principles from the minds of today’s moronic young.] …and if you want a twosome that will really wow, add Tom Tancredo to the ticket! [I hope he’s a free trader, unlike PB.] http://tancredo.house.gov/You can volunteer for America NOW (www.firecoalition.com, www.minutemanhq.com, www.grassfire.com), or postpone your actions until its too late. —Chuck

2 thoughts on “Letter of the Week: Security 101

  1. james huggins

    Wow! chuck sounds a lot like me. (I hope that doesn’t discourage him.) I mostly agree but would stop short of impeachment as that would help the cause of the democrats too much. Ilana, thanks for adding your bit about the snakes-in-the-grass in academia and the media. Long, favorite targets of mine for the same reason.

  2. concha

    Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, was a white man ( you may view the historic codices for yourself online) and his direct descendants have married into Europe’s ruling families. These families are either distant blood relations to Bush or are intimates in his social circle. They feel that they are the rightful heirs to North America, and will soon rule over the North American Union (Buchanan has famously written of this)as Atzlan. Think I’m joking? Look it up. Research Montezuma’s descendants. Look into who contributes to the Atzlan movements. Moreover, instead of the blood sacrifice, which is too “old-timey” for them, they propose Biometric cards as the new and improved ritual.
    Oh look! Halloween is year-round now!

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