Lunatic Government Occupies Airports



“[O]fficials keep telling the believing ‘Boobus Americanus’ that safety lies in pretending everyone is equally weighted in his propensity to blow up an airplane. If we were on the lookout for an abortion clinic saboteur, would we be patting down Islamists or Southern Baptist survivalists? In every other whodunit, behavioral scientists attempt to construct a criminal profile of the suspect. In the case of Islamic terrorism, however, the state won’t even use the compelling evidence it has.”


“Compiling a composite of the criminals most likely to hijack an airline or blow up a building isn’t hard. Try as they may to confuse our congenitally compromised caretakers, the terrorists have seemingly been unable to recruit to their cause people with first names like Eric or Olaf and surnames like Edwards or Christensen.”

The excerpts are from this week’s column, “Lunatic Government Occupies Airports.”

5 thoughts on “Lunatic Government Occupies Airports

  1. james huggins

    Nice jab Mercer. You hit em where they live with this one. The last time I flew, thank Allah I don’t have to fly much, I was thoroughly searched and scrutinized. Lets see now. I am an obvious WASP. 6’2″, 250 lbs. Was in Wrangler jeans, a flannel shirt and was wearing a Red Man baseball cap and was flying out of Little Rock. I’m sure I fit somebody’s profile but I don’t believe too many people like me are hijacking planes. The occasional Budweiser truck maybe, but not planes. Also, I didn’t exactly look out of place in Little Rock.

    It’s sad we are forced by the government to depend on the government.

  2. Richard Allen

    Melanie Phillips the author of, “Londonistan”, has an article on National Review online that gives a dark forboding of things to come for the west.
    England and much of Europe is falling under the control of the Islamics and greatly so.
    I don’t think most westerners realize that the fall of Israel and Britain, Americas greatest allies, means the fall of the US.
    The Islamics are willing to gobble up the west a country at a time over years. They are willing to gobble up a country a little at a time over years.
    The Islamics show unrelenting will for their cause. They live right amongst us and know how to defeat us because they are right here, the trojan horse already inside the west. They show unmitigated courage. They offer no excuses, and no apologies for their actions and they negotiate only on their terms. Each muslim that dies in their cause is a hero forever. There are no trials by them of their fighters, no matter how heinous the crime. They are willing to bear all hardships for thier cause. They are willing to take on the gargantum US military. They show no hesitancy in the face of death. They have much support from the world and the media for their cause. They shake their fists at the world and scream and chant, “Death to America, Death to Israel.” right in our faces.
    They make no deception about what they intend to do.
    Oh well, it’s time for my TV programs and I will have fries wid dat.

  3. Steve Brazil

    After Richard Allen’s piece, I don’t know what else there is to say. At least I’m not the only one beating this drum.

  4. Joseph Salter

    Ilana,You are again absolutely right on the money. In the name of political correctness, this nation is being destroyed from within. Whose side are these maniacs on?

    I was reading on WorldNetDaily that a Department of Homeland Security official took Muslim officials from The Council On American-Islamic Relations on a guided tour of security screenings operations at O’Hare International Airport. Some of CAIR’S leaders have been convicted on terrorism-related charges.

    It just goes to prove that the real enemy that Americans should be concerned about are the very people who are in charge of keeping us safe. The terrorists are suicidal, and apparently so are some of our government officials.

  5. Sue Bob

    ‘believing Boobus Americanus’

    Who are you talking about? I don’t think that most Americans believe any of this.

    [Okay; the sample of people waiting in the airport queues interviewed by the networks: “rather safe than sorry” was a mantra repeated by all those asked.]

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