Meet Mr. O. Moocher



Thief-in-chief “insists the nation can no longer afford tax breaks for the wealthy, while Republicans say any tax increase is a grave mistake.”

The “nation” can no longer afford YOU, Mr. O. Moocher.

With a tax cut, the plundering class simply agrees to pilfer less. The notion that you must ‘pay for tax cuts,’ … is akin to a burglar promising to return the television he stole just as soon as he is in a better financial position.”

People who earn well are less equal under the “law”; their income is considered forfeit, up for grabs. For their part, Republicans are just repulsive power grabbers. What would happen if they actually stood up for Americans who earn more than average?

Is a man with earning power worth less than a man without? Apparently so, politically speaking, becasue he is a much maligned minority with no representation.

7 thoughts on “Meet Mr. O. Moocher

  1. Michael Scott

    I wonder what the Obamas’ favorite telescreen program is?

  2. Myron Pauli

    Tragically, we have all become defacto members of the Moocherhideen. For example, whether we spent a career working for the government, a government supported University, a “defense contractor”, a bailed-out “industry”, or a restaurant – we were compelled at gunpoint to pay “contributions” (e.g. taxes) to the Socialist inSecurity “system”. So naturally, we demand what is “ours” [although the provenance is tenuous – that stolen money paid Uncle Harry or bought a B-1 bomber]. Hence, more spending and, inevitably, more taxes – whether it is payroll-gasoline-corporate-luxury-“fair”-flat-property-sales taxes or the other 2 variants – inflation and borrowing – it is ALL INSIDIOUS theft. Nevertheless, in my old age, I have come to the realization that the evil BEAST is the spending itself. Debating the old “Don’t Tax You, Don’t Tax Me, Tax the Man Behind the Tree”

    is a ruse to distract the American people from the BEAST. The money taken from those “feeelthy reeech” plutocrats and corporations and stockholders is money that could have employed the working class, found new medicines, etc.

    Nevertheless, I have little sympathy for the plutocrats that have enough money to influence the course of government but happily support the statist thugs and the Welfare-Warfare State. Enjoy:

  3. Robert Glisson

    From the NYT article (Insists) “Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, said, “John Boehner is still championing tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that will add $700 billion to the deficit.” Translation: The government owns all the money in the US and if you keep back any of it personally, you’re stealing from the rightful owners. I could almost swear that’s the same message the president gave on television Friday morning. No wonder I feel poor.

  4. Jack

    I am generally sympathetic to the libertarian argument that all taxation is theft. I’m less sympathetic when I read a story like the one about the CEO of Government Motors earning a 9 million dollar paycheck. In this case I think a progressive tax system is a wonderful idea and I would recommend about a 95 percent rate.

  5. CompassionateFascist

    Well, the socialisti can’t have it both ways: when the Bush tax cuts went through, they railed about “tax cuts for the rich”; now that they’re trying to pre-election politik the issue, suddenly it’s “98% middle-class and OK, let’s just cut out the top 2%” (apparatchik Robert Kuttner at Huff Post, 9/13). You’d think the Republicrats would call them out on this….but no, not the Stupid Party. They’ll sit down and start negotiating about who is middle-class and who isn’t. Which is why, on the event-horizon, we are going to have to replace ballots with bullets.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Jack: I have no problem whatsoever with a tax increase on income from companies that received federal bailout funds. The Lord (Obama) giveth and the Lord taketh away.

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