Updated: Michelle’s Fat-Based Initiative



For Bush it was the faith-based initiative; for the current First Lady it’s the Fat-Based Initiative. From where Michelle is perched, it’s nice to be able to have the president sign an order establishing a federal task force to tackle a problem she’s made her own. What power.

Michelle’s latest quest is to exercise Our Children, feed them healthier food and label foodstuff big and bold for their dopey parents. These busybody schemes comport perfectly with the Obamas view of the role of government (cutting back on spending can wait).

Question: Why no white butterballs in the press photo op?

Update: You get awards for being a meddlesome bore.

CNN: Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver on Wednesday called for an overhaul of America’s food system, saying the country’s poor decisions about what to eat are shortening life spans and increasing health care costs.

As I observed, “Idiots have come into their own in a big way, courtesy of depraved consumers, and complicit TV producers and publishers, of pixel and paper alike. The duller you are and the louder you crow in contemporary America, the better you do.”

3 thoughts on “Updated: Michelle’s Fat-Based Initiative

  1. Robert Glisson

    Only makes sense, for close to fifty years Washington lobbyists have pushed a low-fat high carbohydrate diet with high fat social programs. The present administration does one thing well- increase the failures of the past with gusto. Bigger bailouts, more regulation, they have intruded more than Bush did, why not increase the power of the food police. Creating a “fat tax” will bring even more money to the federal coffers.

  2. George Pal

    The campaign needs a slogan. In keeping with the theme, I offer “The Edacity of Hope”.

  3. Jack Slater

    I do hope the newly ordained Federal Fat Task Force will be headed by a Fat Czar (candidates?).

    This is important stuff, as the FLOTUS declares obesity is a threat to national security: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/61157

    Michelle Obama can even make such proclamations without a teleprompter or scrawling on her hand. This is the sign of a true leader.

    Sleep well comrades, Nanny watches over you.

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