Updated: Muhammad on the Cover of "The New Individualist"



The winter-2006 issue of The New Individualist should be on sale any day now. Robert J. Bidinotto, TNI’s perfectionist editor (actually, he’s a slave driver), reveals that:

[H]e is the editor of the first magazine in America (to the best of his knowledge) to have PUBLISHED THE MOST “OFFENSIVE” OF THOSE DANISH CARTOON DEPICTIONS OF MUHAMMAD RIGHT ON THE MAGAZINE’S COVER.

And that:

The issue… contains a number of great articles, essays, and reviews by the likes of constitutional law expert Henry Mark Holzer, columnist Ilana Mercer, filmmaker Duncan Scott, art expert Michelle Marder Kamhi, and essayists Roger Donway and Lou Villadsen.

I review Paul Sperry’s Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.

You can find out about The New Individualist, get a free sample copy, or subscribe, by clicking here.

Update: Robert Bidinotto’s cover-art decision has generated tons of support. Read Michelle Malkin’s write-up. Praise from Samizdata is here. This is a good time to subscribe to the only magazine in the country to have featured the most controversial drawing, smack-dab where it can’t be missed.