UPDATE II (5/31): NEW COLUMN: Manchester Massacre And The Immigration Vexation

Britain,Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Jihad,Terrorism


“The Manchester Massacre Was Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant” is now on The Daily Caller. An excerpt:

“ISIS” did not attack in Manchester; a second-generation Muslim, son of immigrants, did.

The Islamic State may have inspired 22-year-old Salman Abedi, but ISIS in the Middle East did not murder 22 youngsters and injure dozens at a pop-tart performance in Britain.

ISIS, no doubt, is pleased Salman Abedi has killed in Manchester. The outfit is eager to continue providing inspiration, even training, to his kind. But the ephemeral ISIS did not send Abedi and his ilk to kill Britons.

The Abedis, who fly the Libyan flag outside the family home, were invited into England. Policy makers and power brokers in the West have invited Muslim immigrants to live among us in the belief that, underneath the burqa, the abaya and full-body swaddle they were just like us.

Almost all these Muslim killers are legitimate immigrants. Before the Manchester murderer came Knifeman Khalid Masood, on Westminster Bridge (March, 2017). There were the immigrants who carved up Drummer Lee Rigby, in Woolwich, and the Muslim who gutted an American woman in central London, both in 2013. It’s hard to keep up.

This is how citizenship in the West has been rubbished. Not by ISIS, but by your representatives: State officials who regard all of us impersonally and imperiously. The same overlords squint at the great unwashed of England or Middle America from behind their parapets in Whitehall and Washington. The same sorts despise us all for wanting neighborhoods that are safe, maybe even a tad monocultural.

While the Muslims who strike at our families live among us, they’re not of us.

Look, language mediates behavior. To properly respond to the vipers that elect to kill Americans, Europeans and Englishmen, we need to closely describe them.

To be vested in linguistic accuracy is to be vested in the truth. The closer language cleaves to reality, the greater the likelihood that correct, and corrective, action will follow.

Certainly the term of choice must reflect not ideology, right or left, but reality. For if we don’t describe exactly who’s killing us; we’ll be unable to eject them from our midst. …

… READ THE REST. “The Manchester Massacre Was Murder-By-Muslim Immigrant” is now on The Daily Caller.

Bulldoze the family home, a la Israel, send them packing to Libya.


Here’s a loser:

UPDATE II (5/26):

Myron Robert Pauli On Facebook:

Excellent points. These attacks are not carried out by ICBM’s located overseas (and we need to hunt down rocket sites) – they have been carried out by people who get here or into the UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Germany etc. So: [1] On what basis do we let most of these people in as immigrants – especially if they wish to fly foreign flags?, [2] Are there not other more deserving and more capable immigrants?, [3] Why do we let people overstay their visas? [4] Why do we have trespassers released back into the communities to do more trespassing? [5] Why do trespassers get reduced college tuition? [6] Why does not Congress make more sensible immigration rules? [7] How does confiscating my cheese spread make America safer?

In Poland…

Our protectors.

UPDATE II (5/31): We fund their hobby.

He shopped. Nobody said a thing. “Manchester Bomber Bought Most Of Weapon’s Parts By Himself, Police Say.”

It’s in the Qur’an and Sunnah: