Comments on: NEW COLUMN (Updated: 12/23): The D-Bomb, Realpolitik, Zelensky’s Self-Serving ‘Heroics’ & What ‘Mixed-Race’ Really Means by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: chuck lowe Sat, 31 Dec 2022 15:38:06 +0000 This informative article is a much needed dose of reality in the face of the usual, Congressional clapping-chauvinistic agitprop from the MSM. What is worse, is the rah rah B.S. from guys like this at Red State which is supposed to be unencumbered with the usual garden variety, run of the mill lies that most Americans buy into from the Main Stream Media. This guy is so awful.

In conjunction with the map above here is a list of where Washington D.C. “planted flags” and wreaked havoc on foreign soil that diminished us as a nation, expended middle class blood and treasure in securing power and money for our ruling class.

The 75 year history of lies, deceit, agitprop and propaganda that have seen us send our kids home in body bags, or, through Walter Reed, sans their appendages for a fantasy and a trick of fame, is a disgrace that seems to never end.

Make no mistake about it, from the bodies of every dead man woman and child, Ukrainian and Russian that are stacked like firewood in the streets, exsanguinating into the gutters, there is a straight line reference to our Intelligence Agencies, our State Department, our government and the corrupt, venal, obscene politicians who manipulate the American electorate and murder foreigners for profit.

The pretense that Ukraine is a democracy is preposterous. It is now and has been, a U.S. taxpayer laundering scheme concocted by gangsters in Washington D.C. (Most notably, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Pelosi, Romney and of course the Clintons and the Bidens.), who have bled the country dry by diverting that same tax payer money into No Show jobs, PAC organizations and various and sundry “pay for play” schemes that enriched our elites, devastated our middle class and murdered the unfortunate foreigners who were shoved into the American foreign policy wood chipper.

This is just another, “Gulf of Tolkin”, “Weapons of Mass Destruction” lie that is fed to the world in order to make bank on the backs of the dead.

We are not as evil as Hitler, Stalin and Mao at this point, but, we are certainly approaching Pol Pot territory.

Respectfully, with your permission, I ask, what is to be done?

The “Intelligence” Agencies that assassinated the Kennedys, now turns it’s murderous eyes to us. “Domestic Terrorists’ who will not buy into the lies anymore.

Mao said that “Power stems from the end of a gun barrel”. This is EXACTLY how our “Intelligence” Agencies operate. There is no rule of law, no Constitution and the rules of engagement are at the whim and caprice of beadles like Alexander Vindman. You have no rights, no recourse, no redress.

This is tyranny and at this point, all Americans should know, anything, ANYTHING they do to resist, no matter what, is moral, ethical and yes, you are on the side of the angels.

Bio Weapons, Digital Currency, Vaccination passports, the actual end of the 1st and 2nd Amendments is evidence of the inexorable, undeniable total and complete control over our lives by these traitors and tyrants.

Nothing is off of the table for them and nothing is off of the table for you.

God Bless.
