Olmert’s Dignified Departure



Israelis are always kicking bums out of the Knesset and calling elections. This is what’s on the cards now that Ehud Olmert has indicated he would resign.

Olmert made a dignified statement in which he said “he had satisfactory answers to the numerous corruption accusations that have been leveled against him, but nonetheless bowed to the inevitable and signaled the end of his hold on power.”

The following was quite poignant:

“I want to make this clear: I am proud to be a citizen in a nation in which a prime minister can be investigated like any citizen. The prime minister is not above the law, but he is in no way below it.”

So why are our Top Dogs never “investigated”—or, better, impeached? How do we institute some of that Israeli magic?

Not possible. As an ex-Israeli I can tell you that Israelis are anti-authoritarian. Left, right: it doesn’t matter; they all seek to unseat their overlords every now and then. Americans are more inclined to genuflect to government.

Who will be next? Likud, like the GOP, has been destroyed, so I don’t know how Bibi Netanyahu will get in again.

So will it be Ehud Barak? Barak is a sort of Israeli Jim Webb, affiliated with Labor, but a highly decorated, tough military man. I like him.

One thought on “Olmert’s Dignified Departure

  1. Jamie

    “As an ex-Israeli I can tell you that Israelis are anti-authoritarian. Left, right: it doesn’t matter; they all seek to unseat their overlords every now and then”

    Given Jewish history this makes sense. Politicians in all countries are corrupt, there are no exceptions. Countries like Israel & Japan routinely give their leaders a boot in the butt. The Prime Minister knows he can’t get too comfortable or the people will throw him out – how refreshing. The POTUS is an emperor by comparison.

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