Comments on: Paul Babeu Is a Patriot (and a Babe) by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Glisson Tue, 21 Feb 2012 23:35:09 +0000 I knew that one had to reject Christianity to become a NAZI, do you have a link on ‘Homosexuality and the Storm Troopers or NAZI party’? I understand that front line Allied troops preferred to fight standard German troops than a battalion of ‘those ruthless, never give up SS.’ That might be a reason for their ferocity. I like to write stories as a hobby and fresh information/research helps me do it right.

By: Rebel Without a Clause Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:36:09 +0000 @Dennis. OK. The entire Nazi movement, from Hitler (closet queer) on down was homo & crypto-homo. SA obviously so, and SS a male-bonded hunting brotherhood. Bad stuff. Homosex = pure Culture of Death. These days, Right, Left, and Center, they are oozing out of the woodwork….Ann Coulter next up. Still, it’s nice the Republicans have found a Group Entitlement they can love.

By: james huggins Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:44:00 +0000 I have always liked the guy. I do not and will not ever condone homosexuality but he stll packs the gear for the battle on the border. I will support him.

By: Dennis Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:25:18 +0000 Does anyone recall the Clinton – Lewinski situation? I seem to remember that the overbearing responses were “It’s a private affair!”. Babeu is a Conservative, but does anyone remember there are “LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS” who, if memory serves correctly, are homosexual Republicans.

So, what’s with this really personal attack on Babeu? Could it be the “Chicago Way”?

I do not care what he does with consenting adults. I care what he does will lessen the burden of the Fed Gov Nanny State and its Taxation / Spending

ps: Reb, how about telling us ignorant slobs how many NAZIS were gay? Which group would you prefer to have as friends?

By: Nick Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:10:39 +0000 Oh, sure, Rebel. America is going to collapse because men bugger each other. Why, I can already see small businesses buckling beneath the weight of grown people engaging in sex behind closed doors, neither picking anyone’s pocket or breaking anyone’s leg.

By: Rebel Without a Clause Tue, 21 Feb 2012 05:13:12 +0000 Oh my. Another Conservative Hero revealed as a sodomite. Yet I’m not surprised. We are living in an era of not just economic and political disintegration, but civilizational collapse as well.

By: Robert Glisson Tue, 21 Feb 2012 02:30:22 +0000 Politics, Politics and more Politics. When it was Barney Frank, orientation was a big non no. I forget just what his tiff was about, but I’m pretty sure it dealt with something more than a green card. However, Frank is a Democrat and that puts him on the side of the angels. This man has an exemplary record and they want to hang him. There is this thing in the Criminal Justice system of being able to know, confront, the witness against a person. Yet, our accuser remains anonymous. Supposedly- Illegals are now Republican Campaign workers. Sumptin stinks.
