Comments on: UPDATE II: Paving the Way for a Rand Paul Presidency by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: My RON-PAUL i Thu, 08 Mar 2012 03:23:07 +0000 Speaking on American DEMOCRACY … in 1968, many Americans were tired of the Vietnam War but we were offered a 3 way race between pro-War Humphrey, Nixon, and Wallace.

In 2012, probably 70% or more Americans want out of Afghanistan and yet the delegates to select the next President are 98% for pro-War candidates. What the hell does that say? Kucinich, who respected peace and civil liberties, gets thrown on his ass by a pro-War labor union Democratic hack.

Here is an interesting essay on the ILLUSION of DEMOCRACY:

Well, I voted and I can be proud that 40% of the vote of the state of Jefferson and Henry went to a pro-freedom candidate.

By: John Wed, 07 Mar 2012 18:07:49 +0000 What of the murmured ticket of Mitt Romney and Rand Paul, to negotiate through a brokered convention? I’m skeptical of the concept, but on the off chance it happens, I’d be willing to root for Romney/Paul to get Rand into the White House. (Note that I said “root”. I will not vote for Romney, regardless of running mate.)

By: My RON-PAUL i Wed, 07 Mar 2012 15:52:24 +0000 Mitt took the Social Security crowd by 5:1 (over 65) who probably are too old to remember how stupid war has become since the fall of communism. Frankly, without his $300 million personal and Mormon Millionaire buddy war chest, Mitt would not be amassing his delegates. The only hopeful sign is that Ron Paul took the under 35 voters.

Anti-war & anti_Patriot Act Dennis Kucinich got wiped out in his redistricted Democratic primary – so he will have to be consoled by his pretty wife who is almost as good looking as his former student government President (my late wife!).

Not sure whether Rand can meld the Melt-Iran Agribusiness Warmongers and freedom loving people into a functioning coalition (Reagan sort of did but he spent his energy on the Evil Commies and not the homegrown Socialist-Facists)… we shall see in 2016. Romney has the popular appeal of a robot and will probably lose to the Messiah this year.

By: Steve Hogan Wed, 07 Mar 2012 15:14:08 +0000 I can only conclude from yesterday’s results that the American people want more of the same. They like the wars, the spending, the currency debasement, drones, gate-rape, and the entire security state apparatus.

To paraphrase Mencken, they’re going to get it good and hard.

By: Bill Fason Wed, 07 Mar 2012 05:01:32 +0000 I think you mean ‘throne.’[Oops; thanks.]
