Comments on: Update II: Reid & The Knee-Jerk Jerks (LOTT) by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: james huggins Tue, 12 Jan 2010 22:48:19 +0000 That Reid. He of all people should know one can speak with neither logic nor truth when talking race.
I have been severely chastised for saying such racially charged things as “Blacks are generally faster than whites”. I don’t know much but I know football. Maybe good football teams are 60 to 70 percent black because of prayer and fasting. Reid played into his own trap and I hope the professional race victims burn him for it.

By: Gringo Malo Tue, 12 Jan 2010 19:47:37 +0000 Once upon a time, there was a Republican who remarked that the two races could not live together in a condition of political and social equality, and therefore, “… inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, …” I am not a member of that Republican’s cult, but all this foolishness over Reid’s remarks should merely show, to anyone who hadn’t noticed before, that blacks are now in the superior position. Of course, anyone who hasn’t noticed that before is in dire need of a brain transplant.

By: sunny black Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:12:16 +0000 What Reid said taken apart is objectively true (e.g. light skinned and doesn’t speak with a Jesse Jackson affect). The problem is: Where is Reid coming from that he would even need to point these things out??

Why would it surprise him that a black man speaks non-ebonics (“white”)? What is his experience with blacks that he’d find it remarkable that Barry speaks non-negro? Also, where is Reid coming from that Barry being “light skinned” improves his viability as a Presidential candidate?

(I’ll bet there are tons of ‘redneck teabagging racists’ who’d love to see Allen West become more prominent on the national scene. West is not “light skinned” and libertarians and conservatives could care less).

So, it isn’t exactly what Reid said — statements that are objectively true — but why he felt the need to articulate it. And the same can be said for Biden’s comments about Indians (Dunkin Donuts) and his comment about Obama (well spoken, clean, etc.). I’d also reference Barbara Boxer’s encounter with the Chamber of Commerce gentleman.

Not racist? Fine. But there should be a more specific word for the soft condescension of the American left.

By: Myron Pauli Tue, 12 Jan 2010 04:29:53 +0000 EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it – Barack Obama’s got Negro blood! No sh*t, Batman!

The whole obsession with race reminds me of the famous play Showboat.
The sheriff is coming to arrest Steven Baker and Julie LaVerne for miscegenation and Steven Baker takes a knife, cuts Julie’s finger, and drinks some of her blood. When the sheriff arrives to arrest them, Baker says that he has Negro blood in him and everyone swears to it. The sheriff turns to this old hand, Windy McClain, whom he trusts and Windy says “I’m tellin’ you, that thar’ white man’s got Negro blood in ‘im”.

Naturally, Steven and Julie have to leave the Showboat because they can’t have black and white actors on the same stage together. Meanwhile, Magnolia Hawks does a number in blackface on the very same Showboat.

All of which is to show the evolution of “political correctness” about race from one nonsensical idea to another. In the 1951 version of Showboat, it was too politically incorrect to cast Lena Horne in the role of a sexy light skinned “black” singer (Julie).

Maybe I’m cynical but the novelty of Obama seems to have worn rather thin.

By: Robert Glisson Tue, 12 Jan 2010 01:02:00 +0000 You mean, because Mr. Reid said that the president did not use “Eubonics” unless he wanted to, Mr. Reid is a ‘Racist’? WOW!

By: haym Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:23:34 +0000 If he were 100% white he would not have been a credible candidate. No real experience, leftist-radical friends, no substance in campaign – he was elected because of race.
