Updated: Heeere’s Health-Scare

Debt, Democrats, Economy, Fascism, Government, Healthcare, Reason, Regulation

The excerpt is from this week’s WND.COM column, “Heeere’s Health-Scare”: “The idea that an expansion of government through an enormous entitlement program will drastically reduce the deficit and debt is novel, to say the least. The poster person for this mathematical improbability is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She had promised a ‘fiscally sound’ healthcare bill […Read On]

The Myth That Laissez Faire Is Responsible For Our Financial Crisis

BAB's A List, Capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Free Markets, Government, Political Economy, Socialism

George Reisman, a BAB A-Lister, is one of the (few) great economists of our time. In this essay, George, a student of von Mises, does the invaluable: 1) He delineates the scope of government under laissez faire. 2) He demonstrates how the boundless behemoth under which we labor, and, in particular, the system of Federal […Read On]

Pedigreed Islamic Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism, Islam, Judaism & Jews

In a WorldNetDaily.com review of our friend Andrew Bostom’s new book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Alyssa A. Lappen writes: “Particularly since the late, lifelong Muslim Brother, Yasser Arafat, shifted anti-Israel jihad into fifth gear in September 2000, several Middle East and Islamic scholars have repeatedly asserted that 20th […Read On]