2 thoughts on “Shedding Light Where Others Shed Only Darkness

  1. Steve Stip

    Someone said that 30 years of honesty had turned Ron Paul into a Prophet. And then you have your average politician whose head is turned in 1 or 2 terms or am I being too generous?

  2. Myron Pauli

    Although (1) most people opposed the Paulson Putsch and (2) the Putsch represents a significant new usurpation and intrusion of Federal power over contracts, banks etc – the mainstream media covered ONLY pro-bailout points of view with the slight exception of airing Ron Paul 2% of the time. Note how they will not put on a Nader who might siphon votes away from the Messiah. There is a VAST difference in principles between Ron Paul and the Plutocratic Socialism / International Aggression of O’ Benito and Mc Mussolini. On the other hand, the difference between the current US Government and its “nominal” liberties, limitations, mainstream media, banking system, and free enterprise (coupled with its Global Hegemony) versus the equivalent institutions of Putin’s Russia (and its Regional Hegemony) is minuscule. I feel like a captive subject and dissident in my own native country.

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