Comments on: Update II: Sliming Sarah (& On Feminism Vs. Individualism) by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Myron Pauli Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:31:42 +0000 Assuming the veracity of: “The pro-woman rhetoric surrounding Sarah Palin’s nomination is a grotesque bastardization of everything feminism has stood for…. “, then perhaps what feminism has stood for is not all that worthwhile when you boil it down to self-pitying, victimization, groupthink, and hating men. Presumably, Paglia, Rand, Thatcher and others are not “real” feminists just as Clarence Thomas is not a “real” black. {Mind you, I don’t wish to defend Palin’s opinions on the War in Iraq – but she has every right to be a warmonger just like McCain or Biden or any man.}

By: Alex Fri, 12 Sep 2008 05:21:34 +0000 Also, a lot of people have misunderstood feminism. Ask ten people what exactly feminism is and you will get exactly ten different answers.

In general, the angrier people become, the more vocal they tend to be about their beliefs. The same effect has been observed with drunkards, though many women might be drunk on a different kind of juice…

Perhaps we should go to the source:

“..when the moment comes, when tolerance for and interest in female power have been forcibly expanded by Clinton, a woman more willing to throw elbows and defy gender expectations…”

Here we have the basic core of feminism; it has nothing to do with equality, fairness, or morality. It is merely a will to power.

As the anger and isolation increases, I would expect to see more of this kind of verbal drooling. People who lust power more than any other goal in politics often become delusional.

I am not surprised that she forcasts a very bleak future for female politics. If they can’t win their arguments, they try to convince others how bad things are or will be.

Misery loves company.

By: Alex Fri, 12 Sep 2008 04:55:36 +0000 I’m surprised that feminists are against Palin. Well, at least some of them.

The thing that irks me so much about feminists is that they are so self-serving in their political nature.

They never take the idea of equality to its logical extent. They say that women are equals to men in all realms physical (something that the Hollywood movies starring the wafer-thin Jolie seem to be all about lately). But then they support legislation such as Violence Against Women Act, and consistently talk about the plight that their gender faces in living with these horrible, beastly men. Don’t they know that talking about this is a form of admission of weakness to their gender? How is that ’empowering’?

I won’t even get into the double standards that pervade the military and the workplace that they support.

In the end, though, after all is said and done, is there really anything women today can’t do?

Women are not struggling politically or economically in America. To talk about emancipating the ‘fairer’ sex in today’s America is to live a delusional life.

By: Alex Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:25:31 +0000 Wow. I am very surprised at this. Not what I expected…

After posting my comment, I figured my time on BaB was almost up. Ilana had enough of me; it was time for the boot. I could feel a tingling sensation in my nose; when this happens, bad things usually follow.

Instead I found a post that cleared up my thoughts and gave my explanation to BaB posters, in addition to thanking me for posting. I am grateful for this, Ilana, and Mrs. Grant – I didn’t know that people might enjoy my posts or thoughts.

Thank you Ilana. I had no idea that people appreciated me. It feels pretty good.

A far cry from college, BaB should be a model for how things are done in academics.

Again, thanks Ilana. I am loyal to you, and this blog..


By: anidea Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:21:36 +0000 “I don’t think this makes her unqualified to serve as McCain’s running mate, but I admit I have some questions about her priorities, in light of her responsibilities to her young children.”

Perhaps Palin feels the best thing she can do for her children is to get in a position of power to influence her state and country’s future? A rising tide lifts all ships…

By: Barbara Grant Wed, 10 Sep 2008 20:30:45 +0000 Alex,

From my perspective as a reader of this blog, there is no reason I see for you to cease posting. [I second that; thanks, B., for saying what I forgot to say. We enjoy and need Alex’s input.–IM]

It seems that you have a perspective based on your life experiences that is perhaps different from my own. As a Christian I am in no way offended by your mention of “hypocrisy”: I have to examine my life and actions on a daily basis to make sure I am not walking in it! Remembering, of course, that Jesus reserved His harshest words not for sinners (who can be forgiven by admitting their sins and asking for forgiveness) but for hypocrites.

I, too, wonder why an exceptionally talented woman (as Sarah Palin certainly is)appears to place her primary emphasis on her career and not on her young children, including a newborn who will really need care. I don’t think this makes her unqualified to serve as McCain’s running mate, but I admit I have some questions about her priorities, in light of her responsibilities to her young children.

By: Alex Wed, 10 Sep 2008 03:32:54 +0000 I guess I’m one of those people ‘smearing Sarah’.

(Ilana, if you publish this comment, annoying as it may be to you, I promise I will no longer post on your blog. I know I am wearing out my welcome, but I would like to say this.)

Pat Buchanan is right when he says that Sarah is ‘one of us’; she is a feminist down to her association with Feminists for Life.

The only thing I will say about Palin and her religious supporters is that they are being hypocrits. Her husband stays home and takes care of their kids. This is manly? or Christianic? or motherly?

We are getting into wierd territory when Christians begin to see themselves in a working class politico who’s husband stays home and tends to the kids more than half the time while she helps run the country.

Politics are all about appearances, false or not, and this great appearance has duped a lot of Christians into believing that feminism is actually Christianic – just so long as you belong to a church, you aren’t a feminist.

I’m not saying that it is wrong for women to get positions of power. I am saying it is wrong to be a hypocrit.

By: anidea Tue, 09 Sep 2008 16:55:49 +0000 This is the multi-cultural 21st century. Everyone knows that means bashing Western culture and beliefs is fine. But bashing any other culture or beliefs, no matter how backwards and anti-social, is taboo. That’s the new and intellectually sound way of the world don’t you know?

By: GeoPal Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:19:45 +0000 “Not working with much” – seems a congenital condition among those in the news as entertainment industry. Explains why so many become newsreaders. Why they are allowed to speak/comment extemporaneously is both a puzzle and an entertainment.

By: Phil Manger Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:37:56 +0000 Think that’s bad? This morning the Washington Post carried a front-page story exposing Palin’s supposed “abuse” of her expense account. It was not until paragraph 24, buried deep inside the paper that we learn that “Gov. Palin has spent far less on her personal travel than her predecessor: $93,000 on airfare in 2007, compared with $463,000 spent the year before by her predecessor, Frank Murkowski.” Or that she always flies coach.
Nor is it mentioned that Juneau, the state capital of Alaska, is a small town 600 miles by air from Alaska’s population center, and that most state officials get reimbursed for the “commute”.
Last night, while you were watching Campbell Brown, I was watching Keith Olbermann smear Gov. Palin. He called her a “liar” — yes, that was the word he used — because she said she put the state jet on eBay, when it was actually sold through a broker. Then, as an aside, he mentioned it had been put on eBay three times, but did not sell.
