Comments on: Snub ‘Snob Conservatism’ by ilana mercer Thu, 15 Aug 2024 20:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Myron Pauli Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:20:32 +0000 I’m declining a chance to meet the two high priests of Times “Conservatism”, David Brooks and William Kristol who are involved in a fundraiser for Anna’s school. I probably don’t have the stomach for it and it’s Anna’s birthday so I’ll take her and her friends to dinner and to a high school production of Seussical. I’m sure that the Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant are far more intelligent than Brooks and Kristol.

It is difficult to pronounce “GOP RIP” for it has been brain-dead for years. Between the Yeehaw-Huck (ex-George Wallace Democrats) who joined up for social conservative reasons, the military industrial complex Haliburton plutocrats, the country-club crowd (Bush, Romney), and the formerly liberal democrats like Kristol and Guiliani who became the neoconservatives, there is little room for limited government types. The only government limitation these clowns truly get animated over is limiting the amount of power wielded by the evil nefarious Democrats.

It’s pathetic that people flock to the McCains, Brookses, Romneys & other media-anointed clowns because they feel there is “no where else to go”. Sadly, the supporters of these Republicans are as much to blame for the Welfare-Warfare leviathan as any Kennedy.

By: Robert Glisson Mon, 12 Oct 2009 02:41:41 +0000 Mr. Brooks may have a bigger storm brewing than he is willing to accept. Politico has an article stating that the tea party has singled out his group for unemployment benefits. “”

By: M. B. Moon Sun, 11 Oct 2009 00:06:10 +0000 “Paul, unlike his fellow 2008 presidential contenders, not only rejected the failed policies of the Bush administration, but despite his lack of charisma, possessed the only political platform that might have had a chance of winning – while remaining conservative to the core.” Ilana?

Ron Paul is radically correct, not conservative. A question conservatives should ask themselves is:

“If conservative ways were so correct then why did we abandon them?”

The US took a wrong turn in 1913. Instead of fixing a flawed banking system it ENABLED it via the Fed! Live and learn but this may be our last chance to learn. The world is rather deadly, don’t you know?

By: Roger Chaillet Sat, 10 Oct 2009 22:28:47 +0000 Romney is a nut case. He strapped the family dog to the roof of the family station wagon, and then took off on a family vacation. The pooch was literally scared to death. It soiled the windows of the car. Romney took the car to a wash and hosed it down.

He also hired illegal aliens from Guatemala to mow the lawn of his estate.

He’s another elitist buffoon.
